One of the key questions that we commonly ask when reading Revelation is “How is this supposed to be read?” We ask, are we reading a literal recital of events as they will happen on earth? Meaning, is this our timeline? Or, are we reading a literal recital of what John saw? Throughout Scripture, dreams and visions are...
Tag: <span>Revelation Bible Study</span>
NO Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, September 16th
Please note that we will NOT have our Revelation Bible Study on Facebook Live on this day. We wish a Happy 25th anniversary to Pastor Abie Kulynych and Melissa Kulynych.
The First “Woe” |Revelation 9:1-12. Wednesday, September 2nd
In Luke 10, Jesus sent 72 of His disciples ahead of Him to all the towns and villages that He was about to visit. He told them to heal the sick and to tell each town, “The kingdom of God has come near to you.” They returned to Jesus with joy saying, “Lord, even the...
From Silence To Trumpets | Revelation 8:7-13. Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, August 12th
Revelation 8 takes us from silence to trumpets, and the key is the in between. Heaven goes silent in reverence and awe and the earth is filled with the sound and reality of judgment, but in between this we see God not being filled with anger or disappointment over the sin of man, but instead...
“He Dwells With Us,” Revelation 7:13-17
Most often, when we are asked a question, we immediately assume we need to have the answer. Few of us like to admit we don’t know; but most of us fear disappointing those whom we believe look to us for guidance. Revelation 7 gives us something to think about when one of the elders asks John...
“Promises Kept,” Revelation 7:1-8
When we read the Scriptures do we take the time to make the connections between God’s promises and His fulfillments? Often what God speaks is generations, even centuries from coming to pass and if we are not careful we can read right through and miss that everything He speaks comes to pass. He told Abraham...
Then, Now, Later | Revelation 6:12-17
When the sixth seal opens in Revelation 6:12, both the heavens and the earth are shaken. There is an earthquake, the sun goes dark, the moon like blood, stars fall from the sky and mountains and islands are moved from their place. Nothing like it has ever happened before. People, all people, are not only...
Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, May 13th
The fifth and sixth seals of Revelation, on first glance, show us martyrdom and cosmic turmoil, the death of saints and stars falling out of the sky with men, women and children running to hide in caves. What do we make of all this? The question is, what do we see about Jesus in it? What...
“Jesus Has Authority over the Horsemen,” Wednesday, April 29th
Revelation 4 began with Jesus telling John, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.” As we enter chapter 6, it is important that we remember that the things that John was seeing were coming from heaven, they were still the “things which must take place.” Jesus, the Lamb...