
“We: From Intimacy to Fellowship,” 2 Corinthians 3:12-18

Our theme for 2021 was simply the pronoun “WE”. It was our goal to learn what it truly means to be one body with many members. We passed ourselves and into each other to examine and change our mindset from being consumed with our own lives to learning how to be connected to the hearts...



Good afternoon CORF, This is it, the last day of the year 2021. As challenging as it was, we can all say with one accord that God did amazing things in the midst of us.  We can’t wait to see and connect with you all this weekend for our worship service in person or online...

“We Are One Body,” 1 Corinthians 12

“We Are One Body,” 1 Corinthians 12

So you’re part of CORF. Whether you’ve been coming since the inception of the church or you’ve recently joined, or maybe thanks to COVID-19 you’re now a faithful follower of this church on different social media platforms available, I have a question for you, why CORF? Have you ever seriously consider this question? Why this...