“Who Is Your King?” John 19:12-16

“Who Is Your King?” John 19:12-16

Tonight’s passage ends the six phase trial of Jesus that we’ve been talking about for a couple of months. In a span of twelve, no more than eighteen hours, Jesus has been betrayed by a friend, arrested by a crowd of hundreds of soldiers and officers; he had been illegally questioned by the former high...



“The man took Jesus at his word and departed.” (John 4:50b NIV) Are you taking Jesus at his word? Have you expected one thing and Jesus told you something completely different? Please take the time to ponder over this and consider his word and all the promises Jesus made to you, individually and corporately. Let...

“Reuniting with the Godhead,” Genesis 1:26

“Reuniting with the Godhead,” Genesis 1:26

We are in this world, but we’re not of it. We are of the kingdom of God. Our citizenship is in heaven. That said, there is a reason why we are on this earth. God’s plan was to not only extend His kingdom, but also to extend His family from heaven to earth. God knew...



“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19 NIV) What is life about in light of the reality that the Light has come into the world? Are we seeing the Light? Are we walking in the Light? More importantly,...


“Unwritten but not Unsure,” Revelation 10:1-7

This week we get back to our study of Revelation with chapter 10, a new movement in John’s visions with what appears to be a new character, a new scroll and a new or different action. In chapter 5, John told us about a sealed scroll that could only be open by the Lamb who...

“Indecision, Disobedience or Belief,” John 19:6-11

“Indecision, Disobedience or Belief,” John 19:6-11

In this passage, the sixth and final phase of Jesus’ trial is nearing its conclusion. We’ve been talking about this for weeks, but I don’t think that it’s right to run into the next passage without remembering or even repeating the last passage. Thus far, Jesus has been betrayed by a friend, arrested by a...



“All the believers devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.” Acts 2:42 (NLT) More than a theme, this verse about devotion to God’s word, God’s people and prayer is now at the core of who we are as...

“Trust In The Lord,” Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust In The Lord,” Proverbs 3:5-6

In this week’s sermon, our guest speaker Joanne DiLeo looks at two familiar verses from Proverbs in a new way in order to help us understand just how critical it is for us to “Trust In The Lord.”

“Behold The Man!” John 18:39-19:5

“Behold The Man!” John 18:39-19:5

So the passage takes us to the sixth and final stage of Jesus’ trail and it begins the journey to the cross. As we’ve been talking about this last few weeks, there wasn’t a single thing done to Jesus on the night of his arrest or the morning of his trial that was just. His...



“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6 NIV) Your faithfulness in giving has been such a blessing to places unseen and the Lord has been at work even in those far away places to meet the needs of his children and that of those who...