Peter has made a clear and constant call to submission. This is how we lay aside all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and evil speaking. Submission is how we come to Jesus as living stones, it’s how we live as a royal priesthood, chosen generation and a holy nation. Submission is how we live as aliens and strangers, sojourners and pilgrims, how we glorify God in the day of visitation. It is our witness to the world that there is a greater King and a greater kingdom. Peter has called us to live in submission to the government, to our employers, even to our husbands and our wives. The call to submission is not about the righteousness of others but the goodness of God, our submission to man flows from our trust in God, our confidence in His goodness and our surety that He is the One who holds us no matter what might stir around us. In tonight’s text, Peter finishes the call to submission, with one last command, to submit to each other, to our brothers and sisters within the Body of Christ.