When we presented the 2011: Year to Increase plan in December, one of our concerns was how to keep the plan and the progress in front of us throughout the course of an entire year. One of the ways we decided upon was to stop after each preaching series and remind ourselves of what we have been...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Operation
If the purpose of the “gifts of the Holy Spirit” is to build unity and strength in the body of Christ then how must we operate in those gifts? I believe that Romans 12 gives us two very key themes to answer that question: grace and love. Paul writes that the gifts differ “according to the grace that...
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Purpose
In both Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12 the Apostle Paul tells us about the “gifts of the Holy Spirit”. The Corinthians passage gives us a list of things that Paul refers to while in Romans Paul seems to be much more concerned with following through with those gifts than with giving a list of...
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
In our third week of discussing the Holy Spirit we set our attention on Galatians 5:22-23, “the fruit of the Holy Spirit”. Paul uses the word “fruit” here, I believe to show us that these attributes are not things that we work for or attain by our effort, but they are characteristics that the living...
The Power of the Holy Spirit
Our second in a series of four messages on the Holy Spirit, this week we discuss “the power of the Holy Spirit”. The reality of the Holy Spirit is that He lives within us, the Spirit of the Living God, the One that hovered over creation, that raised Jesus from the dead and indwelled the...
Sin’s Destruction
Over the last couple of weeks we have seen sin’s deception and it’s devastation. Sin begins with a lie of Satan and it’s ultimate outcome is death. Today I want to take our attention off of what sin tries to accomplish against us and place it on what Jesus has done for us and to...
The Devastation of Sin
Last week we allowed John 8:44 and Genesis 3 to establish that all sin begins with a well-crafted lie. This week we will look at Genesis 4 as well as passages from the book of Romans to show us that all sin ends in death. Jesus said that Satan was a “murderer from the beginning”,...
The Deception of Sin
All sin starts at one basic point, a well-crafted lie. Jesus said that Satan was teh “father of lies”, He even went as far as to say that “when he lies he speaks his native language.” Satan has been lying since he started tempting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. His lie then was...
2011 Plan: Increase in the Community of Faith
Acts 2:42 tells us that the first church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” There is something powerful that happens in community. The outcome of devotion for the first church was miraculous power, divine unity and daily salvation. I believe that devotion to...
2011 Plan: Increase in God’s Word
Revelation 19:13 says Jesus’ “name is The Word of God.” I believe that the truest way to know Jesus, to be in right relationship with Him and to realize the fullness of His free gift of salvation to us, is to love the Word of God. This coming year we are going to offer more...