
A Vision of Redemption: Straight Paths

Matthew 3 quotes Isaiah 40 when it reveals that John the Baptist was the one that was called to be the “forerunner” of Jesus to call ahead telling the earth to “prepare the way of the LORD; make His paths straight.” Last week we saw John as the “friend of the bridegroom”, the one who stands and hears...


A Vision of Redemption: Friends of the Bridegroom

John the Baptist was chosen by God to be the one that would “prepare the way” for the Messiah. John was announced before conception; his purpose to “go before the face of the Lord” was declared when he was eight days old and his life was lived in preparation for and belief in that calling. In...


A Vision of Redemption: Remove the Obstacles

Over the next few weeks we are going to be going through a series called “A Vision of Redemption”. This series is going to be a bit of a reminder of our vision as a church and the opportunities and callings that God has given us through intercession. Isaiah 57:14-15 “Remove the obstacles out of...


Ambassadors of the Running Redeemer

Luke details the events of Christ’s resurrection in the 24th chapter of his letter. According to Luke, the women that had followed Jesus rose early the morning after the Sabbath and went to Jesus’ grave to prepare His body for burial. The approached His tomb as mourners, but after an encounter with angels, and seeing the evidence of the...


Tempted For Our Worship

In Matthew 4, the third and final temptation that Satan attacked Jesus with was an all out effort to destroy Him. Satan took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and then said: “All these things I will give You if You will fall down...


Tempted to Prove Our Protection

Satan’s second temptation of Jesus in the wilderness was not far off from the first. Satan had tempted Jesus to provide for Himself, to turn stones to bread because He was hungry. Jesus refused this temptation making it very clear that the desires of His flesh were not greater than His desires for the will and...


Tempted for our Gratitude and Intimacy

In I Thessalonians 5, the Apostle Paul wrote that we are to “Give thanks in all circumstances”. He goes on to write that this is the will of God for us in Christ Jesus. It is amazing how clear the Scriptures are about the importance of gratitude and yet how prone we are to murmuring and complaining. When...


Tempted For Our Future

The first temptation that Jesus faced in Matthew 4 appears to be about bread, but the reality is that the temptation to turn stones into bread was much more than that. From this temptation comes all sexual sin, all greed, all gluttony, all manipulation, all control and all selfishness. This is the temptation to give...


The Wilderness of Preparation

This message is the beginning of a four week series on the temptation of Christ found in Matthew 3:16-4:11. After Jesus’ baptism, Scripture says that the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. The last thing that happened before He was led into the wilderness was that God spoke “This is...


Sabbath: Rebirth through Pruning

In John 15:2 Jesus said, “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” As branches in the Vine, God is always working, training and disciplining us to produce more fruit in and through our lives. The branches,...