
Sermon on the Mount: “Hallowed be Your name”

Matthew 6:9  In this passage Jesus is teaching us how to pray. As we discussed a few weeks ago, in the Sermon on the Mount He says “In this manner . . . pray”, or basically, “pray this way”. When He was asked by one of His disciples, “teach us to pray”, Jesus repeated basically...

January 6, 2014January 6, 2014by

Sermon on the Mount: “Called to Surpassing Righteousness”

Matthew 5:20  This morning we will complete a full year of studying the Sermon on the Mount with the reality that we probably have a full year of study left. Rather than simply plowing through I thought that today, the last Sunday of the year, would be a good time for us to reflect on...

December 30, 2013December 30, 2013by

Sermon on the Mount: “The Lord’s Prayer”

Matthew 6:9-13 Is there a prayer that has been more prayed than this one? The sad truth about the Lord’s Prayer is that it has probably been often repeated but rarely prayed. Both St. Augustine and Martin Luther said that nothing was more important in the Bible than the Lord’s Prayer.  Unfortunately in our culture...

December 24, 2013December 24, 2013by

Sermon on the Mount: Our Father

Today we come to the part of the Sermon on the Mount that is referred to as the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus has been teaching us the surpassing righteousness of prayer, He has been very clear that we are not to pray like the hypocrites who do so to be seen by men or the heathen...

December 16, 2013December 16, 2013by

Sermon on the Mount: Why We Pray

Today we go back into our discussion of Jesus’ teaching on the surpassing righteousness of prayer as worship. We began two weeks ago by talking about “when we pray”, not so much having a specific time that is right or wrong but being intentional and purposed about our prayer lives, learning the value and necessity...

December 9, 2013December 9, 2013by

Exodus 33: “Show me Your glory”

This Sunday our journey through the Sermon on the Mount was “interrupted” by a Scripture that was read during our time of worship and intercession, Exodus 33. As worship came to a close Abie felt it was necessary to expound upon Exodus 33 in light of how the Holy Spirit had led in worship. Exodus...

December 2, 2013December 2, 2013by

Sermon on the Mount: When We Pray

This morning we get back to the Sermon on the Mount. We have been studying Jesus’ warning that we be careful that our worship is never done to get God to do something for us or to get men to think something about us. For an action to be worship it must be inspired by...

November 24, 2013November 24, 2013by

Song of Solomon: Part 2

Yesterday our prayer pastor, Geannine LeBude, was our speaker. Below is an introduction to her sermon… We begin where we ended last week with the daughters of Jerusalem asking the bride a question. The daughters of Jerusalem are seeking an answer to the reason for her persevering love in the midst of deep trails. They...

November 18, 2013November 18, 2013by

The Song of Solomon: part 1

Yesterday our prayer pastor, Geannine LeBude, was our speaker. Below is an introduction to her sermon. I pray that we will grow in our longing for a deeper intimate relationship with God and that we will be overwhelmed by the love shown by the bride and Bridegroom. Song has two main sections. Chapters 1-4 focus on receiving...

November 11, 2013November 11, 2013by