
Mark 8:27-38 “Following”

This past Sunday we had the opportunity to worship with High Street Worship Center in Burlington. Below is the introduction and a link to the sermon from that service: A few weeks ago I was at a conference where the speaker began his message by briefly sharing his testimony of surrendering to Jesus. While he...


Being Seated In Order To Stand Before Our Enemy

This week our prayer pastor, Geannine Lebude spoke from Ephesians 6: Today I want to look at how we are called to stand, through trial, accusation, disease, and even death. But in order to stand we must first understand where we are positioned in Christ and how to allow ourselves to be transformed by the...


Sermon on the Mount: “What are we praying for?”

Over the last two weeks we have asked and attempted to answer two questions about prayer from this passage of the Sermon on the Mount. We asked “Why do we pray?” and found that we pray because it is a command, Jesus told us to pray; we pray because it is an invitation, the Father...


Sermon on the Mount: “Who are we praying to?”

Matthew 7:7-11 Last week we asked the question, “Why do you pray?” we talked about prayer being a command, an invitation and a promise. We pray because Jesus told us to, because our Father wants us to and because the promise is that when we pray God hears us. The greatest promise of prayer is...

September 8, 2014September 8, 2014by

Sermon on the Mount: Why Do We Pray?

Matthew 7:7-11 For the next few weeks we are going to talk about these five verses. Jesus turns our attention once again to prayer in the Sermon on the Mount, although I think it can be argued that He never turned our attention away from prayer. Since telling us how not to pray in chapter...

September 1, 2014September 1, 2014by

Sermon on the Mount: Dogs and Pigs?

Matthew 7:6 For the last two weeks we have been learning about judgment and accountability. We have defined the judgment that Jesus forbids as “uncalled for criticism” and we have seen that the accountability that Jesus desires, like all surpassing righteousness, is about our hearts before it becomes about our behavior. We have learned that...

August 26, 2014August 26, 2014by

Sermon on the Mount: First the Plank THEN the Speck

Matthew 7:1-5 Last week we started this portion of the Sermon on the Mount by talking about judgment, what it is and how it affects us. R.T. Kendall defines the judgment that Jesus warns us against in this Scripture as “uncalled for criticism”; it is when we apply our convictions to someone else’s life, when...

August 21, 2014August 21, 2014by

Sermon on the Mount: Judgment and Accountability

Matthew 7:1-5 The Sermon on the Mount is God’s description of His character, His kingdom and His requirements for our hearts. “Surpassing righteousness” is not about curbing our behavior it is about opening our hearts to the conviction and direction of the Holy Spirit who always glorifies Jesus and leads us in the Way to...

August 12, 2014August 12, 2014by

How the Jewish Wedding Custom Reveals Jesus as our Bridegroom

This Sunday our prayer pastor Geannine LeBude was our speaker. Below is the introduction to her sermon.   I shared in May how Queen Esther prepared a Banquet of Wine for the King instead of petitioning him with her request. She prepared this lavish dinner with the best of wine for the soul purpose of...

August 3, 2014August 3, 2014by

Sermon on the Mount: Questions for Anxiety Part 6

Matthew 6:25-34 This week we concluded our series on anxiety Matthew 6:25-34 by focusing on Matthew 6:32-34. We have been studying that anxiety will ask questions that we cannot answer and tries to convince us to take responsibility for things we are not responsible for. Jesus reveals to us that we are not condemned for...

July 30, 2014July 30, 2014by