The Bible has a lot to say about wisdom. Men like Moses and Joshua are extolled for their wisdom, for having God’s mind and walking in God’s ways. The wisdom of God is celebrated greatly in the Psalms, Job refers to wisdom often, the book of Proverbs is almost completely a statement on what wisdom...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:21-23 “Lawlessness”
Last week we discussed Jesus’ announcement that not everyone that calls Him Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, Jesus said that those who enter the kingdom of heaven are those who do the will of His Father. For some people this statement is a battle because we stand firmly on Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by...
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:21-23 “Will of the Father”
The last time we addressed the Sermon on the Mount we talked about being free from fear, that the warning to “Beware of false prophets” was not a call to fear but instead a release from it. Jesus’ words are never to be fear inducing because His character is love and as we have learned...
Staying Hidden in the Secret Place of the Most High God
This past Sunday our prayer pastor Geannine LeBude was our speaker. Below is an introduction to her sermon. Today I want to discuss how to hide. Hiding in God is something I want to master. I want to remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty. I want to lean and rely on...
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:15 “Beware, Don’t Be Afraid”
I had planned on being finished with our discussion about “false prophets” with last week’s sermon, I guess we would all like to be done with false prophets sooner than later, but the more I read, and thought and prayed there was one final thought that I feel I need to express. There is a...
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:15-20 “Trees and Fruit”
Today we continue our discussion of Jesus’ warning “Beware of false prophets”. Jesus has taught us, through the Sermon on the Mount, the character of God, the culture of His kingdom, what He requires of His children and the heart condition, called surpassing righteousness, necessary for following Jesus. After His teaching was complete Jesus called...
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:15 “False Prophets”
For the last two weeks we have discussed our response to the Sermon on the Mount. In many ways the sermon closed with Jesus saying “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” From that point on Jesus is calling for us...
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:13-14 “The Narrow Way”
Our response to the Sermon on the Mount begins with a decision, will we surrender to the surpassing righteousness that Jesus has described for us? That decision isn’t only for a moment, it is a continual choice to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus. The command you “enter by the narrow gate”...
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:13-14 “The Decision”
The Sermon on the Mount is now coming to its conclusion and Jesus, after teaching the character of God, the culture of God’s kingdom and the requirements of God’s children, now turns all of His teaching over to us; it is time for us to respond. The key verse throughout the entire sermon has been...
Sermon on the Mount: Before and After the Golden Rule
In Matthew 7:12 Jesus speaks what is often referred to as “The Golden Rule”, “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” The most commonly quoted version of this statement is from Luke’s gospel “Do unto others as you would have them...