
Acts 2:40-47 Devotion to Fellowship: “The Purpose of Fellowship”

Below is our second message in the Devotion to Fellowship series titled “The Purpose of Fellowship”. Last week we began our discussion about fellowship by trying to establish that a devotion to fellowship with each other is a necessary requirement in our obedience to God. God created man in His own image for fellowship with...


Acts 2:40-47 Devotion To Fellowship: Obedience Through Each Other

We started this year determined to study and grasp our values so that we could hold them rightly and so that God could use them to function for His glory and His purpose through our lives. For most of the first three months of the year we talked about God’s Word. We learned that we...


Luke 19:28-44 & Psalm 118 “The Song of the Triumphal Entry”

Today is Palm Sunday, the day that we as the church traditionally celebrate Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, beginning the last week of His life before going to the cross and rising from the dead. All four of the gospels tell the story although some of the details vary from one account to the next. They...


John 15:1-10 We Read to Abide, part 2

We have been talking about the value and the function of God’s Word. We have seen that the Scriptures are not about us they are for us, that God’s words are creative and sustaining, that the Word of God reveals the heart and character of God and that the Bible is, in and of itself...


“The Sin Bearing Servant”

Today I want us to set our hearts and minds on Jesus. Jesus is our gift and we are His inheritance. When I think about this gift that our Father bestowed upon us I am overwhelmed because it is a perfect gift, it is what everyone needs and longs for. There is a missing piece...