Today I want to go just a little bit further in introducing you to this person of the Holy Spirit and I want us to simply see that the Holy Spirit is a gift of love, He was given to us because of God’s love for us, but just as much He was given to...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
Acts 2:1-13 & John 14:15-18 The Person, Purposes and Plans of the Holy Spirit: “He is a Person”
Today is Pentecost Sunday. It was on Pentecost, more than 2,000 years ago that the Holy Spirit was poured out, that He came to dwell in and baptize the first 120 followers of Jesus and birth the church. I did not believe there was a better time to begin a sermon series to study the...
Acts 2:40-47 Devotion to Fellowship: Conclusion: “The Outcome of Fellowship”
Today we are going to conclude our look at fellowship through Acts 2:40-47 by talking about the outcome of fellowship. A few weeks ago we discussed that the purpose of fellowship, the purpose of these intimate, not casual community spirit relationships is to build our character and to glorify Jesus. What does that look like?...
Acts 2:40-47 Devotion To Fellowship: “Prayers of Fellowship”
Today we are going to talk about the role of prayer in fellowship. When Luke described the first community of believers in Acts 2 he noted that they devoted themselves to the Scriptures through the apostles teaching and to fellowship through the breaking of bread and prayers. Devotion means to exert great effort to persist...
Acts 2:40-47 Devotion to Fellowship: “What Does Food Have to Do With Fellowship?”
Today we will continue in our study of what it means to be devoted to fellowship. So far in this series we have learned that a devotion to fellowship is a necessary requirement in our obedience to God. God created us from His unity for unity with Him and with each other. Fellowship is actually...
Acts 2:40-47 Devotion to Fellowship: “The Purpose of Fellowship”
Below is our second message in the Devotion to Fellowship series titled “The Purpose of Fellowship”. Last week we began our discussion about fellowship by trying to establish that a devotion to fellowship with each other is a necessary requirement in our obedience to God. God created man in His own image for fellowship with...
Acts 2:40-47 Devotion To Fellowship: Obedience Through Each Other
We started this year determined to study and grasp our values so that we could hold them rightly and so that God could use them to function for His glory and His purpose through our lives. For most of the first three months of the year we talked about God’s Word. We learned that we...
Luke 24:1-12 & Ephesians 3:14-19 “To Grasp the Love of the Resurrection”
The resurrection of Jesus is something that most of us know about and all of us in this room have heard about. We know the story and all of its details, for the most part we know its theological implications and its eternal outcome. Preaching on Easter is sometimes difficult because the resurrection of Jesus...
Luke 19:28-44 & Psalm 118 “The Song of the Triumphal Entry”
Today is Palm Sunday, the day that we as the church traditionally celebrate Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, beginning the last week of His life before going to the cross and rising from the dead. All four of the gospels tell the story although some of the details vary from one account to the next. They...
Deuteronomy 29:29 We Read to Respond Part 4: Devotion to Obedience
Since the new year began we have been discussing how we value God’s Word and how God desires for His Word to function in our lives. We have seen that we read the Bible to build a relationship with God, that His Word is His revelation of His character, His heart, His ways and His...