
Matthew 22:34-40 “People Are Our Purpose”

Today I had the opportunity to share some thoughts inspired by my recent trip to General Santos, Philippines. While I was away I preached 18 times in 7 days. I was involved in some exciting and emotional ministry opportunities: a conference for tribal church pastors and leaders, visiting newly planted churches, preaching on the radio...


Amanda Mackie: Psalm 37:1-9 “Quest for Love: The Desire of Our Hearts”

This week our youth leader, Amanda Mackie, was our speaker. Below is the introduction to her sermon. There have been many seasons in my life in which I have felt like God has given me a “theme” verse. A verse/passage of Scripture that He uses to speak to my heart over and over again. A...

August 28, 2016August 28, 2016by

Melissa Kulynych: Revelation 2:1-5 “Leaving Our First Love”

This week Melissa Kulynych was our speaker. Below is the introduction to her sermon titled “Leaving Our First Love” God desires for us to give Him the place in our hearts as our first love. What does it mean for God to be our first love? It speaks to His position in our hearts; He...

August 21, 2016August 21, 2016by

Matthew 26:47-54 “The Reverence of Surrender”

Last week we talked about Mark 14 where Jesus told the disciples “All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night . . .” Peter immediately disagreed with Jesus and began to argue, in fact, Peter was so sure that Jesus was wrong that he didn’t even hear the rest of...


Mark 14:27-31 “Arguments”

Two weeks ago I wrote in my journal “Why are we having an argument instead of a conversation?” I was referring to everything that is going on around us and everything that our current circumstances want to cause within us. Arguments are the language of division. They are not the difference of opinions, different experiences...


Avery Covington: “The Reach of God”

This past Sunday we had the privilege of having Avery Covington share the Word of God with us. Avery combined Psalm 23:1-2 and Luke 7:11-17 to share with us about God’s character. He leads us, He guides us, He is moved with compassion for us and in all situations and at all times, whether we...


Joshua 5:13-15 “Are you for us . . .?”

Joshua is one of my favorite biblical characters. I love the character that he lived with, how he was always willing to serve, that his leadership was birthed by following Moses into God’s presence and that he didn’t let frustration, disappointment, a lack of experience or even the unwillingness of those that he was leading...


I Chronicles 13:1-14 “Uzzah’s Life Mattered”

What does it mean to be a shepherd? In the literal it’s to tend sheep. A shepherd leads, protects and provides for the flock that is left in his care. He fights off enemies, he leads to safety, he sets boundaries that keep each sheep and all the sheep within his sight and he teaches...


II Corinthians 5:14-21 “For Our Sake, Again”

Three and a half months ago we started studying this passage with the same verse that we will end with today, “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” Everything that has ever been done for mankind, from our...