This morning we continue our journey through the book of John. Our text, John 2:23-25 tells us that the miracles or “signs” that Jesus was performing in Jerusalem were causing people to begin to “believe in Him”. While Jesus was being believed in as the Messiah, John wrote that Jesus did not “commit Himself” to...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
John 2:13-22 “The Spirit Builds Faith, The Flesh Demands Proof”
Two weeks ago, we started talking about Jesus’ first cleansing of the Temple as it is recorded here in John 2. Today we are going to continue to look at this passage and see how Jesus is not only righting wrongs, but is revealing Himself as the Messiah. He demonstrates that He is merciful and...
Melissa Kulynych: II Chronicles 20: “When God Moves in Unexpected Ways”
When God moves in unexpected ways, we are faced with the option to become anxious, fearful or worried or we can choose to believe that His heart is trustworthy and see that He desires for us to grow in these places when things don’t go exactly as we have planned. Whether it’s through pain, grief,...
John 2:13-22 “Turning the Tables of Our Worship”
Today’s text presents some questions that we must deal with from the beginning so that we are on sure footing as we walk through it. All four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, present us with an account of Jesus cleansing the temple but they do not present us with the same account. Matthew, Mark...
John 2:1-11 “The Significance of the Insignificant”
So far in the book of John we have been introduced to Jesus, the Son of God, completely divine and yet somehow completely human. We have been painted a picture of the Messiah as the Creator of the world, the Word who was with God and was God, who was not only before all things...
Advent Series: The Word, The Light & The Lamb: John 1:29-36 “Behold the Lamb of God”
Over the last few weeks we have begun our study of the book of John by seeing how John introduces us to Jesus. John doesn’t start with Jesus’ genealogy or birth like Matthew and Luke, he doesn’t begin with John the Baptist as Mark does, John begins with Jesus’ eternal nature. It’s important to John...
Christmas Eve: “The Word Became Flesh”
In his commentary on the book of John, Rodney Whitacre wrote “He who brought the universe into existence now is born within the universe as a human being. This thought is so familiar in Christianity we may no longer be staggered by it.” John began his gospel introducing us to Jesus by saying “In the...
Advent Series: The Word, The Light & The Lamb: John 1:1-5 “The Light that Shines in the Darkness”
The prologue, the first 18 verses of John, are an introduction to Jesus as John has seen Him. The synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke are each a basic synopsis of Jesus’ life on earth, they cover events, details and experiences over a specific period of time in order to tell us “the story” of...
Amanda Mackie: Matthew 6:25-34 “From Anxiety to Freedom: Taking Every Thought Captive”
This morning our speaker was our youth leader, Amanda Mackie. Below is the introduction to her sermon. In our passage this morning, Jesus is talking about worry or anxiety. Anxiety is a fierce, often irrational pest. Its origins, I think, are in what we don’t know or what we don’t understand. And it is not...
Advent Series: The Word, The Light & The Lamb: John 1:1-3 “The Word Was God”
As we mentioned last week, John is not like any of the other gospels, in fact, John is not like any other book ever written. Matthew, Mark and Luke are referred to as the Synoptic gospels because each of them gives a basic synopsis of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection but the gospel of John...