
Easter Sunrise Service Sermon: Amanda Mackie “The Road to Emmaus”

This morning we participated in the Easter sunrise service in conjunction with several other Burlington churches. The speaker for the service was our youth pastor Amanda Mackie. Luke 24:13-35New International Version (NIV) Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with...

April 16, 2017November 8, 2018by

John 11:45-12:19 “The Tension that Builds up and Tears Down”   

This morning, because we are using a very large text we are not going to read it all together, rather I’m going to refer you to different pieces as we go through it. Generally, on Palm Sunday we concentrate solely on Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem, we see Him seated on the colt of a donkey...

April 9, 2017April 9, 2017by

John 3:16-21 “Light and Darkness”

Last week we started this passage by discussing the contrast between love and condemnation. John 3:16 is, in many ways, our foundation for the gospel. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” As I said last week,...

April 3, 2017April 3, 2017by

John 3:16-21 “Love and Condemnation”

I’ve often shared that one of my favorite things about teaching and preaching is to take a passage of Scripture that is familiar and to look at it more closely than we’ve looked before. It’s never my desire to find something new or to uncover some yet to be discovered revelation but rather to take...

March 27, 2017March 27, 2017by

John 3:1-15 “Earth and Heaven”

John’s gospel is a journey that begins by declaring the truth of who Jesus is and then, from that declaration leads us through Jesus’ life, not to prove Him to be God, but to teach us what God is like, His character, His heart, His plans and His purposes. This morning I want us to...

March 21, 2017March 21, 2017by

John 3:9-13 “We Speak”

In John 8:32 Jesus said “the truth will set you free.” This is quoted everyone, most people that quote it probably don’t even know that it’s a Bible verse or that Jesus was the One who said it. The reality is that while this statement is true there is so much more that goes into...

March 12, 2017March 12, 2017by

John 3:3-11 “Embracing Discomfort”

This morning we enter our third week of looking at John 3:3-11, it is a passage we tend to rush through because we hear “you must be born again” and we assume we already have all the understanding we need. But there is beauty in the Scriptures being the active and living Word of God...

March 6, 2017March 6, 2017by

John 3:3-11 “Confronted for Mercy”

Last week we started talking about Jesus’ interaction with Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin. After Jesus’ cleansing of the temple and His working of signs during the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread, Nicodemus approached Him to learn more about Him. He spoke to Jesus as an equal, a...

February 27, 2017February 27, 2017by

John 3:1-10 “The Heart of the Matter”

John chapter 2 closes with this incredible revelation about Jesus, “He knew what was in man”. Last week we closed our time together by talking about the beauty of being known. Being fully known by God isn’t something that should cause us to be afraid or ashamed…Being known means we are never alone. Being known...

February 19, 2017February 19, 2017by

John 2:23-25 “Why Does He Do What He Does?” 

This morning we continue our journey through the book of John. Our text, John 2:23-25 tells us that the miracles or “signs” that Jesus was performing in Jerusalem were causing people to begin to “believe in Him”. While Jesus was being believed in as the Messiah, John wrote that Jesus did not “commit Himself” to...

February 14, 2017February 14, 2017by