This week our speaker was our worship leader, Ezequias Lamarche. In our walk with the Lord, many things cloud our thinking. Mental and physical blocks clutter our Spiritual cognition. For this reason we must remember Hebrews 12:1 The Race of Faith “12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
Guest Speaker: Joanne DiLeo Genesis 22:1-14 “Laying Down the Promise”
This week we had the great joy of having our friend Joanne DiLeo as our guest speaker! For many of us, this is a very familiar passage. Over the years, this passage has both drawn me in and terrified me. Since January, I’ve been wrestling on and off with this passage and I believe strongly...
John 4:1-4 “Difficult People and Difficult Places”
You can learn a lot about who someone is by watching how they interact with others. The Gospel of John is largely the revelation of Jesus’ identity and character through the stories of His interaction with the people around Him. While Matthew, Mark and Luke tell the story of Jesus in hopes that the events...
John 3:31-36 “The Mixture of Heaven and Earth”
Clarity is a constant issue for us. We strive to have clear minds, clear views and clear understanding. We are all vying for a clear path, the absence of obstacles, the opportunity to clearly see what lies ahead of us and how we should go about getting to where we desire to be. The problem...
John 3:27-30 “The Joy of Decrease”
I’ve shared with you many times that one of my favorite things to do is to take a familiar passage of Scripture and invest the time to look at it closely and carefully asking God not to show us something new but to show us something more. We all tend to move quickly through things...
Melissa Kulynych: 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 “Grace and Grief”
This morning our worship pastor, Melissa Kulynych, was our speaker. Below is an introduction to her sermon and the audio recording. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says, “And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that...
Amanda Mackie: Esther 4:12-14 “For Such A Time As This”
This morning our youth pastor, Amanda Mackie, was our speaker. Below is an introduction to her sermon and the audio recording. On the wall, next to my bed I have a sign that the Kulynychs had made for my birthday and it says this “You were born to blaze new trails. Pioneer great adventures. Reclaim...
Ezequias Lamarche: Genesis 2:20-23 “No Longer Mimickers, But Assimilators”
This morning our speaker was our worship leader, Ezequias Lamarche. All things start and finish with God’s Word; we want the knowledge and revelation of who our God, our savior is, so that we can walk in His nature. God is not calling us to be mimickers, those who just copy, but He desires for...
John 3:22-27 “Traditions, Disputes & Baptisms”
In John 1 we were introduced to John the Baptist, verses 6-7 described him this way: “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe.” There are two important things to remember about John the...
John 12:12-19; Luke 24:1-12 “Improper Expectations and Intense Disappointments”
The presence of Christ always creates tension, seeing Jesus as He is reveals our hearts as they truly are and then requires us to respond to both His majesty and our fragility. This tension may have never been higher than the hours after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. John writes that many that witnessed...