
John 4:27-32 “Questions and Answers”

Have you ever been afraid to ask a question? We’ve all heard the saying “there are no dumb questions” and yet, we are often afraid to ask. Sometimes we believe that we should already know, sometimes we are sure that everyone else knows, sometimes we just hope that we will figure it out before we...

September 3, 2017September 3, 2017by

John 4:19-26 “The Conversation of Worship”

The voice of God has tremendous power. The creation account in Genesis 1 teaches us that “God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” Everything God made was made by His voice, He spoke and things that did not previously exist suddenly existed: light and darkness, land and sea, grass and trees, stars,...

August 28, 2017August 28, 2017by

John 4:19-26 “Wanted for Worship”

How does a request for water turn into a revelation of the Messiah? How does confronting culture become healing rejection? How does disrupting understanding open the door for establishing worship? How does Jesus lead an outcast of her community to become a trusted voice for eternity? Jesus told Zacchaeus that the Son of Man came...

August 21, 2017August 21, 2017by

John 4:15-26 “Sought After”

Last week we saw how Jesus met the woman, at the well, in her brokenness. He was not there to expose her sins, but to reveal the broken places of her heart so that He could bring healing. He wanted her to know that her story mattered to Him. He wanted this woman, who had...

August 15, 2017August 15, 2017by

John 4:10-26 “Go, Call Your Husband”

Last Sunday Kevin Flowers said, “Peace is a place where there is no confusion.” I’ve thought about that statement a lot this week. I think most of us want peace to be a place where there is no opposition, no dysfunction, no disagreement and no difficulty, but what if peace has more to do with...

August 7, 2017August 7, 2017by

Guest Speaker- Pastor Kevin Flowers: Romans 12:1-2 “Peace Personified”

This past Sunday we had the privilege of hearing from Pastor Kevin Flowers of Refuge Ministries Center located in Edgewater Park, NJ. Below is the full audio recording to his sermon titled “Peace Personified”. I pray that as you listen, that those places in your heart that feel void of peace would become places of...

August 1, 2017August 1, 2017by

John 4:10-16 “Questions and Objections”

Have you ever noticed how often we find God starting conversations in the Bible? It was God who called to Adam and Eve while they were hiding, God who spoke to Abraham, God who called to Moses from a burning bush, God who woke Samuel late at night, God who whispered to Elijah when he...

July 24, 2017July 24, 2017by

John 4:10-14 “Conversation”

Over the last year or so you have heard me often ask the question, “Why are we having arguments when we should be having conversations?” Arguments are battles of will, they are competitions of right and wrong, they are an effort to prove ourselves, our point or our positions while conversations are a determined exercise...

July 18, 2017July 18, 2017by

John 4:4-10 “Encounter, Conversation, Culture” 

As you may have already figured out from the last month or so of hearing me preach, this passage of Scripture fascinates me. I’ve preached from it many times before but this is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to slowly go through it, not just verse by verse but word by word and...

July 9, 2017July 9, 2017by

John 4:4-9 “Tired or Weary?”

A few weeks ago, when we started looking at this passage we discussed the meaning of John’s statement that Jesus “needed to go through Samaria”. Jesus made it very clear that His life, the life He lived here on earth was lived in complete surrender to His Father in heaven. In John 5:19 He said...

June 26, 2017June 26, 2017by