
“Safe and Secure” John 10:22-30

We all desire safety and security. We take extra precautions to avoid freak accidents so that we can have a sense of security. But we often neglect the real issue. We will put our seat belt on in the car, but we will speed or check our phones while driving. We neglect the heart issues....


“He Speaks for Us to Follow” John 10:22-30

Why does God speak? What is the purpose behind His voice? God doesn’t just desire to be heard, He desires, even demands, to be followed. When God speaks, things happen. He speaks for us to follow. And following requires a surrender, to put our complete trust in the hands of Christ. It means that we...


“You Hear God’s Voice” John 10:22-30

How often are we those who believe God will do what we want? Are we laying out the vision or listening for His voice? We need to choose to believe that the God who spoke to the men and women in the Bible is still speaking to us today. God speaks constantly not because He...


“The Power of a Laid Down Life” John 10:11-21

Job famously said, near the beginning of his ordeal, “The LORD gives, and the LORD takes away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.” We love the giving Lord, but we often wrestle with and try to explain away the Lord who takes from us what He has given to us. We can’t understand how...


“The Shepherd is the Door” John 10:7-21

What is abundant life? Jesus came to make life abundant, restore it, and redeem it by putting it back in the hands of the Creator. Often, we want abundant life to look like a life marked by “more”, but the reality is that we cannot live in the promise of abundance while chasing our own...


“Not Just Slow to Anger” John 10:6-7

What does God say about Himself? How have we experienced God for ourselves? In Exodus 34 we read a passage where God describes Himself by saying “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing...


“Devoted to His Voice” John 10:1-6

Have you ever had a relationship in which you felt like you gave more than you received in return? We all have, whether it was friendship, dating, employment, church or neighbors, we’ve all felt, at some point, like we were more devoted to someone than they were to us. In Acts 2:42, the first church...


“2019: Devoted” Acts 2:40-47

This week as we prepare for the New Year, we asked ourselves this question, are we willing to be devoted? In Acts 2:42, we read that the first 3,120 believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. This was not just a momentary piece of...


“The Great Joy of a Changed Life” Matthew 1:18-25

This week we finished our “Great Joy” series by discussing the great joy of a changed life.There is one thing that every person involved in the first Christmas story had in common, the promise and birth of Christ changed their lives dramatically. When Jesus was born, that is the first time we see the angels...


Melissa Kulynych: “Joy in the Waiting” Luke 2:10-40

This week we had the pleasure of hearing from our worship pastor, Melissa Kulynych! She walked us through the “moments of waiting” that we see in Luke 2:10-40 from the shepherds to Mary to Simeon to Anna. In each moment we saw that there was joy in the waiting and it was not joy that...