
“He Meets Us” John 11:23-39

John said that Jesus did many more things than what has been written because it could not all be contained. The things that were written were chosen so that we would believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Belief is the key to salvation which comes through interaction, seeing God, and experiencing Him as...


“I AM” John 11:20-27

Have you ever thought that what you think you know could be in the way of what you need to know? Often, we make up our minds and turn off our hearts. We stop listening once we are sure. But what is Jesus is trying to tell us something new? What if it is not...


“Faith” John 11:14-27

What is faith? Hebrews 11 tells us “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Substance means a setting or a place under, in this context, it is how we commit ourselves to Christ, not what He has done for us. Faith is also the conviction of things...


“Then” John 11:4-16

When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was. He stayed because of love. In John 11:6-7 we read “So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was. Then after this He said to the disciples, ‘Let us go to Judea again.’”...


“Sometimes Love Stays” John 11:1-8

Our passage today about the death of Lazarus, but this is not a passage about death, disappointment, or even resurrection. Sometimes we rush through familiar passages, thinking we already know, but those are the moments it is especially important for us to slow down and let the Scripture speak. The story of Lazarus is a...


“Why Are We Fasting?” Mark 2:18-22

This week we will beginning the “Seek God for the City: 40 days of guided prayer” and a 10-day Daniel Fast. What is the purpose of these things? Prayer, fasting, and fellowship are to prepare the way of the Lord. Our character is built through preparation. Fasting is not how we show ourselves to God,...


“Have We Believed?” John 10:31-42

Have you ever had a situation where you were telling the truth, but no one believed you? What happens when life or death hang on the truth being believed? In August 1836 Colonel Christian came Burlington City and claimed that Severn Martin was his slave who had fled his plantation 16 years before. The Mayor,...


“Safe and Secure” John 10:22-30

We all desire safety and security. We take extra precautions to avoid freak accidents so that we can have a sense of security. But we often neglect the real issue. We will put our seat belt on in the car, but we will speed or check our phones while driving. We neglect the heart issues....


“He Speaks for Us to Follow” John 10:22-30

Why does God speak? What is the purpose behind His voice? God doesn’t just desire to be heard, He desires, even demands, to be followed. When God speaks, things happen. He speaks for us to follow. And following requires a surrender, to put our complete trust in the hands of Christ. It means that we...


“You Hear God’s Voice” John 10:22-30

How often are we those who believe God will do what we want? Are we laying out the vision or listening for His voice? We need to choose to believe that the God who spoke to the men and women in the Bible is still speaking to us today. God speaks constantly not because He...