
“Jesus, Not Judas” John 13:18-35

Our text today is usually focused on Judas and stirs up many questions, but today I want us to focus on Jesus. What can Judas’ betrayal teach us about the heart of God? The purpose of Scripture is to reveal the character of God. This text reveals to us the love and dedication Jesus had...


“An Important Question” John 13:12-20

The truth is often found more in questions than in answers. God is often found asking us questions. There is nothing God doesn’t know, so why does He ask questions? He asks questions for revelation not for information. Today’s text asks the question, do we know what He has done for us? This morning I...


“Love and Servanthood” John 13:1-11

Two weeks ago, we spoke about how when Jesus references “the hour” He is speaking about the cross. When Jesus knew His hour had come, when it was time to die for us, He set His eyes on His love for us. In His darkest hour He turned His attention on others, not Himself. How...


Joanne DiLeo “More Than a Beautiful Song” Ezekiel 33:30-33

This Sunday we had the pleasure of having our good friend, Joanne DiLeo, as our speaker. Joanne leads worship and brings the Word every Thursday night at the Beverly Presbyterian Praise and Worship service which begins at 7:00pm. Please take some time to listen to her sermon and if you are free on Thursday night,...


“Believe” John 12:37-50

Everything comes down to belief. John tells us that we have not heard everything about the works of Jesus, but that everything that has been written is for the purpose of belief. Are we willing to believe? Are we ready to believe? Is Jesus enough? Belief is a choice and decision we must make. Belief...


“Lifted to the Light” John 12:27-36

What does it mean to glorify God? What Jesus wanted more than a release of His grief was to be used for God’s glory. Glory is when we sacrifice everything to God even the things we did not want to face. Our desire for God’s glory must be great than our desire for a change...


“Living in the Now” John 12:27-33

As Jesus approached the Cross, the weight of His calling began to press on Him. Last week we looked at when Jesus said, “My soul is troubled”. The journey is too much for all of us, but if we let God, He will bear it. He promised to never leave us or forsake us. He...


“Troubled for His Glory” John 12:27-28

In our verses this morning we read that Jesus was troubled by the will of God, but He also found His purpose in being troubled. Often, we want to avoid any feelings of trouble or maybe we expect God to keep us from trouble, but Jesus teaches us that being in God’s will requires us...


“The Hour, the Seed and the Harvest” John 12:23-26

In our passage this morning, Jesus is speaking clearly and is surrounded by listeners. He gives a word that is necessary for their time and for our time. A word that highlights three things: the hour, the seed and the harvest. The hour here is not about a specific date or time, but rather it...


Abie & Peggy’s Trip to the Philippines

This Sunday we had the pleasure of hearing from Abie and his mom, Peggy, as they shared about their recent trip to the Philippines. I encourage you to listen to their message and hear how they tell of how God has worked in and through “Christ to the Philippines” in these last 50 years, how...