
“Unexpected Characters” Luke 1

Most of us know what to expect with the Christmas story; we know the characters, so we tend to move through it quickly. But if we move too quickly, there is so much we can miss. God became a man. That is the reality we celebrate, but can we really fathom it though? The humility...


“Greater” John 14:27-31

Words matter. God spoke and creation came into existence. God’s character is revealed by what He says. We were created in the image of God, but we often do not think about the power in our own words. Satan tries to diminish the power and value of our words. And when we diminish the power...


“What is Peace?” John 14:27-31

What is peace? We all want it, we pray for it, but how do we define it? We want it to be calm, quiet and the absence of struggle/conflict. Some of us might want it to be that feeling that “everything is going to be okay” which we compare to Jesus taking a nap during...


“The Teacher and the Textbook ” John 14:24-26

We need to learn the truth of the person of the Holy Spirit. The truth about our relationship to the Holy Spirit. The truth about Jesus’ relationship with the Holy Spirit. The person who lives within us. We need to slow down and let the Scriptures speak and not run past what we think we...


Joanne Dileo: “Enough” 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

This Sunday we had the pleasure of having our good friend, Joanne DiLeo, as our speaker. Joanne leads worship and brings the Word every Thursday night at the Beverly Presbyterian Praise and Worship service which begins at 7:00pm. Please take some time to listen to her sermon and if you are free on Thursday night,...


“The Problem and the Promise of Belief” John 14:22-24

In the upper room on the night Jesus ate His final meal with the disciples He gave them an example, instructions and a promise. He showed them the fullness of His love by washing their feet and then instructed them if He their teacher and Lord washed their feet that they then should wash each...


“The Resurrection is Our Life” John 14:18-21

Sometimes the key to seeing something clearly is to be sure we are looking at from the right direction. We see everything in Scripture from hindsight which we like to believe is 20/20. We know what happened next in the story. We tend to not feel the weight of the cross because we know about...


“Obedience and the Holy Spirit” John 14:15-17

In our verses today we see the convergence of God’s character and our obedience. Jesus calls us to something we need to better understand and then He promises us something that I am not sure we fully believe. We know it, but do we believe it? He says “If you love me you will keep...


“In My Name” John 14:12-14

This Sunday we had the great joy and privilege of joining with our friends at Grace Alliance Chapel for a combined Sunday worship service. We follow Jesus together. When God said it was not good for man to be alone, He was not just talking about Adam or marriage, but rather all of mankind. We...


“Which Works?” John 14:8-14

There is nothing more important than belief. What we believe, we live, and how we live reveals what we believe. Belief must encompass our minds, our hearts, and lives- everything or else it doesn’t change us. And if our beliefs don’t change us then they are not actually beliefs. It is more than knowledge. It...