John 19:30 says, “When Jesus has received the sour wine, he said ‘it is finished’ and bowing his head he gave up his spirit.” The Greek word that we translate “it is finished” is “Tetelestai.” It means to bring to an end, to complete, to accomplish. I love the way this word is described in...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
“Remembered,” Luke 23:32-43
We talk fairly often about how forgetful we are. How we forget about the things we should remember, but also as we have a tendency to remember the things we should forget. God is so aware of our forgetfulness that he’s made a way for us not just to remember, but also for us to...
“A Helper in Uncertainty,” John 15:26-27
Today is Palm Sunday, the day that we traditionally celebrate Jesus’ initial entrance into Jerusalem one week before his resurrection and just a few days before his arrest and crucifixion. We call that ride the triumphant entry. John’s gospel spends so much time on the night of Jesus’s arrest. Chapters 13 through 17 that many...
“The Truth for All Our Questions,” John 15:22-25
I am not sure that there is a question we ask more often than “why?”. We find it important to know the reasoning behind an action. We question the motives of those we know and those we don’t know, of those we trust and those we don’t trust. This need to know, this need to...
“Different” John 15:18-25
Jesus always tells the truth, but he does not only say what we want to hear, he’s faithful to tell us what we need to hear. On his last night with the apostles he spent hours showing and telling them about his love for them, the Father’s love for them and their need to live...
“Fear, Caution and Friendship” John 15:13-17
A month ago when our intercession topic was the coronavirus, how many of us thought that we would end up to getting to this point? The World Health Organization has deemed it a pandemic. Italy was completely taken unaware. The rumors from a friend in Spain is that starting tomorrow there may be a lawful...
“Loved to Love” John 15:12
The last night of Jesus’ life, before his arrest, his death and resurrection, began with these words from John 13:1, “It was just before the Passover feast. Jesus knew the time has come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now...
“The God of Joy” John 15:9-11
Do we allow ourselves to picture God dancing? Do we picture Him smiling? Why do most of our pictures show Him with little or no emotion? Or when we do show His emotion it is usually His anger in clearing out the temple or His agony in preparing for and enduring the cross. The way...
“Prayer in the Vine” John 15: 7-8
We have a tendency of complicating things that don’t need to be complicated. Some of us here are over thinkers; some of us try to straighten things out that are not even crooked; Some of us try to find a better way when the way we’ve got is good already. It is not just good...
“The Branch part 2” John 15:5-6
Some scriptures are difficult to deal with. I don’t know if you’ve noticed like I have, but we tend to have a handful of verses that we all seem to gravitate around and then there are others that we avoid and we try to skip over. And if we have to read them we sort...