Last week we talked about the test of Peter’s faith. Tonight we’re going to talk about the trial of Jesus. The way that John writes this, he shows us clearly that both the testing of Peter and the trial of Jesus were happening at the same time. They were even largely happening in the same...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
“Hearts Exposed,” John 18:12-27
While Jesus was being tried, Peter was being tested. And John wanted us to be sure that we saw both things as they were happening at the same time. When we look at John 18, we discover that this portion of the chapter was written carefully, taking us back and forth between Jesus and Peter,...
“Nevertheless,” John 18:1-11
There are a few things that John 17 did not tell us that we need to know if we need to rightly understand everything that happens in John 18. In John 17 we got to hear Jesus’ prayers for himself, for his apostles and for his Church. And the way John records that night, it seems...
“What Does Jesus Want?” John 17:24-26
The main question that we’re going to talk about tonight is, what does Jesus want? Many of us our very familiar with the old, possibly tired acronym, WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) But how can we ever know what would Jesus do in any given situation if we don’t know what Jesus wants? It is...
Perfect In One | John 17:20-23
In John 17, we have so far heard Jesus pray for himself and we have heard him pray for the apostles. Today, we get to hear him pray for us. Romans 8:34 tells us that Jesus is at the right hand of God interceding or praying for us. Before we even get to this text,...
“Sanctify Them By Your Truth,” John 17:17-19
The last thing that Jesus prayed for his disciples while he was still with them was, “sanctify them by your truth.” We’ve already read through and studied where Jesus had prayed that the Father would keep the disciples in His name and that he would keep them from evil; that he would guard God’s character...
“Kept In The World, Kept From The Evil One,” John 17:13-16
In Jesus’ final prayer for his apostles, he made three very specific requests. He asked the Father to keep them in His character, to keep them from evil or from the evil one, and to sanctify them by His truth. Last week we talked about being kept in God’s character. It was not a prayer...
“Keep Them In Your Name,” John 17:9-12
If you have one hour left with your friends, with your family, with the people you loved, the people you have lived with, the people that you knew, that you trusted, the people that believed in you, how would you spend that out? In this week’s sermon, Pastor Abie gets deeper into Jesus’ last hours...
“Stay Devoted,” Luke 2:40-47
At the end of 2018, both our Youth Pastor Amanda and Pastor Abie felt God speaking to their hearts the importance of Acts 2:42, and specifically the word “devoted.” After a lot of prayers, studying and many conversations, they felt that God was leading them to make the word “devoted” our theme for 2019, not...
“Jesus’ Purpose, Our Identity and Our Response,” John 17:6-8
Jesus spent the last few minutes of his last night with his disciples praying. He prayed for himself, for the apostles, and then he even prayed for us, for all of those who would ever believe in him because of their witness. In his prayer for himself, Jesus defined eternal life as knowing, as absolute...