
“Stay Devoted,” Luke 2:40-47

At the end of 2018, both our Youth Pastor Amanda and Pastor Abie felt God speaking to their hearts the importance of Acts 2:42, and specifically the word “devoted.” After a lot of prayers, studying and many conversations, they felt that God was leading them to make the word “devoted” our  theme for 2019, not...

“Jesus’ Purpose, Our Identity and Our Response,” John 17:6-8

“Jesus’ Purpose, Our Identity and Our Response,” John 17:6-8

Jesus spent the last few minutes of his last night with his disciples praying. He prayed for himself, for the apostles, and then he even prayed for us, for all of those who would ever believe in him because of their witness. In his prayer for himself, Jesus defined eternal life as knowing, as absolute...

“Love Never Fails,” 1 Corinthians 13:8-13

“Love Never Fails,” 1 Corinthians 13:8-13

This morning I want to talk about those glimpses. Not just us as a group of people with a building we’ve been able to use for a few weeks, but for each one of us and in each stage of our lives, those moments in our lives when God does more than He has to....

“Eternal Life Redefined,” John 17:1-5

“Eternal Life Redefined,” John 17:1-5

What is eternal life? We just read how Jesus defines it and in a few minutes we will talk about that definition at length, but as we begin today the question that I believe must be asked is, what have thought eternal life to be? What have we been told eternal is? What do we...

“Privilege Released, Burden Lifted,” John 17:1-5

“Privilege Released, Burden Lifted,” John 17:1-5

We’ve been in this passage for a long time now. New verses, but the same passage. And as we come to this place today, we are understanding that the end was near. The feet had been washed, the passover meal had been eaten, the new covenant has been announced and a new commandment had been...

“Trouble, Courage, Victory,” John 16:23-33

“Trouble, Courage, Victory,” John 16:23-33

The last sentences of the last verse of our text are the ones that most of us have heard. They are the ones that are most often quoted and possibly they are the ones that are the most misunderstood. The NIV says it this way, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart...

“Another Pentecost,” Acts 2:1-4

“Another Pentecost,” Acts 2:1-4

 I decided to step away from John 16. One reason is because it’s Pentecost Sunday, the day that we remember what we call the birth of the Church, that we remember the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The promise of the Father that Jesus has been preparing the apostles for. It was when the day...

“From Sorrow to Joy,” John 16:16-22

“From Sorrow to Joy,” John 16:16-22

The conversation was almost over. By the time we read our text it was late at night. Jesus and the apostles must have been nearing the garden of Gethsemane. Judas had probably already betrayed him. The soldiers may have already been on their way to arrest him. We know from Matthew’s account of that night...

“Listen to the Truth,” John 16: 12-15

“Listen to the Truth,” John 16: 12-15

Just a few hours after this passage we just read, after this conversation that Jesus was having with his apostles, Jesus was arrested. He was beaten and abused and then he stood before Pontius Pilate to either be condemned to death or freed due to the accusations that were being made against him. Pilate asked...

Our Story So Far | Friday, May 8

Our Story So Far | Friday, May 8

What a special time of prayer, worship it was as we had the opportunity to share about our building; how we had experienced God so far and the vision He had given us going forward.