In this week’s sermon, our guest speaker Joanne DiLeo looks at two familiar verses from Proverbs in a new way in order to help us understand just how critical it is for us to “Trust In The Lord.”
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
“Behold The Man!” John 18:39-19:5
So the passage takes us to the sixth and final stage of Jesus’ trail and it begins the journey to the cross. As we’ve been talking about this last few weeks, there wasn’t a single thing done to Jesus on the night of his arrest or the morning of his trial that was just. His...
“The Truth,” John 18: 28-38
Tonight’s text brings us to the fourth phase of Jesus’ six phase trial. He was arrested unjustly in the garden, thanks to Judas’ betrayal He was bound by a crowd of as many as a thousand Roman soldiers and officers from the Jewish high priests. He was taken to the home of Annas, a man...
“God’s Heart in the Festival,” Genesis 1:14- 15
What do you know about the so-called “Jewish festivals”? How should we as Christians look at them? Are they still relevant to the wider Christian community? In this week’s sermon David Cohen and Pastor Abie Kulynych teach us about “God’s Heart in the Festival,” His festivals.
“Greater Reason To Rejoice,” Luke 10:17-20
This is good! Being together. Worshipping in person. It’s good and it’s a reason for joy. It’s not exactly what it was and it’s not exactly what we want it to be yet. None of us wanted to be sitting here wearing masks or having to figure out 6 feet of space between us and...
“Righteousness Revealed,” John 18:12-14, 19-24
Last week we talked about the test of Peter’s faith. Tonight we’re going to talk about the trial of Jesus. The way that John writes this, he shows us clearly that both the testing of Peter and the trial of Jesus were happening at the same time. They were even largely happening in the same...
“Hearts Exposed,” John 18:12-27
While Jesus was being tried, Peter was being tested. And John wanted us to be sure that we saw both things as they were happening at the same time. When we look at John 18, we discover that this portion of the chapter was written carefully, taking us back and forth between Jesus and Peter,...
“Nevertheless,” John 18:1-11
There are a few things that John 17 did not tell us that we need to know if we need to rightly understand everything that happens in John 18. In John 17 we got to hear Jesus’ prayers for himself, for his apostles and for his Church. And the way John records that night, it seems...
“What Does Jesus Want?” John 17:24-26
The main question that we’re going to talk about tonight is, what does Jesus want? Many of us our very familiar with the old, possibly tired acronym, WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) But how can we ever know what would Jesus do in any given situation if we don’t know what Jesus wants? It is...
Perfect In One | John 17:20-23
In John 17, we have so far heard Jesus pray for himself and we have heard him pray for the apostles. Today, we get to hear him pray for us. Romans 8:34 tells us that Jesus is at the right hand of God interceding or praying for us. Before we even get to this text,...