“I will be their God and they will be my people.” This was not something God said once in passing or something he said because he got excited or got emotional. It’s not even something that was just a single prophetic promise. God said this multiple times to multiple generations, from Abraham to Jeremiah and...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
“He Died for Love,” 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
In this week’s sermon, “He Died for Love,” Pastor Abie Kulynych of CORF teams up with Pastor Mike Williams of Grace Alliance to help us understand the extent of Christ’s love for us. It is only after understanding God’s love that we are ready to understand the sacrifice of Christ and celebrate his resurrection.
“We Are the Stones,” Luke 19:28-40
This Sunday is what we traditionally call “Palm Sunday.” And it marks the triumphal entry into Jerusalem when Jesus made his trip there to celebrate the passover with his apostles, but to do so much more than we know in hindsight. As far as they knew, they were just on their way to Jerusalem for...
“We Belong to Each Other,” John 21:15-19
The last two weeks we’ve been talking about the role of fellowship in freedom and in healing. James says in chapter 5 verse 16 of his letter that we as believers in Jesus, as the church, we are to confess our sins to each other and pray for each other and we will be healed....
“Bear One Another’s Burdens,” Galatians 6:1-5
Last week we talked about James 5:16, what I personally believe to be the most difficult of all of the “One Another’s” of the New Testament where James gives us this command, “Confess your sins to one another.” It’s hard to be that vulnerable. It’s hard to be that honest, it’s hard to be that...
“Confess Your Sins to One Another,” James 5:13-16
How do we follow Jesus so closely that we look like him to the people who don’t yet believe in him? That’s the amazing thing that happened in Acts 4:13. It is not like looking in a room full of other believers and saying, “I see Jesus in you, in you and in you.” These...
“To Know God,” Colossians 1:9-18
This week we have a special treat to hear from one of our very own, Joanne DiLeo who is not just a great speaker, but she is also a tremendous friend who is willing to jump in with just a few days notice to share from the heart of God in this sermon, “To Know...
“Fellowship in Conflict,” Acts 2:42-47
Over the last 6 weeks we have talked together about “US”. Our conversation has not been about those of us just in the room or those of us in this church or in this community, but we’ve been talking about “US,” all of us, the body of Christ, his church, which is one body with...
“We Are Victorious,” Matthew 16:13-18
This series, “WE” is also our theme for this year. We’re trying to change our pronoun from they, them and me to we and us because WE are the body of Christ. As you go through the New Testament especially, and all the descriptions of the church, you will notice that they are always “we”...
“We Are Called to Go,” Matthew 28:18-20, John 16
This is week 5 in our 6 week series, “WE” as we try to better describe the church from a biblical perspective. So far we had the opportunity to talk about “We Are One Body,” “We Are Many Members.” “We Gather with Purpose,” and this beautiful reality that “We Eat to Remember.” This time we...