We can talk about the multiple ways the culture is battling against us. The list is near-end. What is vital is this, we should always ask ourselves these questions, our conversations about those we disagree with are salvation-focused or fear-based? Our conversations, commentaries, pushbacks, are they born out of love and redemption because that is...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
“The Gift of Prayer: Your Kingdom Come,” Luke 11:1-4
This is our third week talking about “The We of Prayer,” “The Gift of Prayer,” really using the Lord’s Prayer as it is taught in Luke 11 as our guide. As we’ve been talking about, this is not just Jesus telling us what we should say in prayer. It is not a prayer that we...
“The Gift of Prayer: Hallowed Be Your Name,” Luke 11:1-4
It has been said and you probably heard it at some point in your Christian life that we don’t need to teach about prayer, we don’t need to talk about prayer, people just need to pray. And yet the reality is that if you don’t know how to pray, how can you start praying? All...
“We Pray,” Luke 11:1-4
We take really the next step in talking about “WE,” this theme for the year trying to change our mindset and our heart condition so that we can also change our focus and change our pronouns, that we would move from I and me and mine and their to we and us and our, to...
“Gospel Lenses,” Acts 17:16-23
We all have a way we see the world, a different way than others in how we interact with the world around us, a worldview. When we follow Jesus, our worldview changes as a result because Jesus changes everything. And we start looking at the world with “Gospel Lenses.” In this week’s sermon, Pastors Mike...
“Devoted to God’s Word,” Acts 2:42-47
In this week’s sermon, Joanne DiLeo makes an attempt in a practical way to put together a couple of pieces of things we’ve actually been talking about for years. She reminds us of what the Scriptures are all about and what it means to be “Devoted to God’s Word.” “They devoted themselves to the apostles’...
“We Are God’s Provision,” 2 Corinthians 8:3-5
You’ve heard it numerous times, and I can assure you that to the extent God allows you to be part of City of Refuge Fellowship (CORF), you will continue to hear the following statement, that as the church of Christ we have a calling to devote ourselves to these three things outlined in Acts 2:42:...
“We Rest,” Hebrews 4:1-16
One of the major issues we have in the church today is not apathy, it is work. There is a lack of rest in the body of Christ. There is a desire to always be working for God. In this week’s sermon, “We Rest,” our worship pastor Melissa Kulynych shares with us what the Lord...
“We Protect Each Other,” Hebrews 3:1-19
David Jeremiah wrote, “Hebrews was written for a group of first century Christians who were in danger of giving up.” You see, the letter was written specifically to Jewish believers, men and women who were believers in Jesus Christ as the Messiah that were discouraged and tired and in the face of more persecution they...
“Intimacy and Power of Pentecost,” John 14-16
In the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about a practical guide to being the church from the book of Titus. We’ve looked at self-control, sound doctrine and submission, words and themes that were repeated often in Paul’s letter. Tonight we come to the theme that Paul repeated more than any other in his instructions...