
“We Have the Holy Spirit: He Empowers Our Witness” Acts 1-2

Last week we talked about the identity of the Spirit-filled, that the Holy Spirit is a person, that He is God, that He is another Helper, which means that He is just like Jesus and He lives in everyone who believes in Him. Jesus taught us that there would be specific things that the Holy...


“The Gift of Prayer: What Are We Asking For?,” Luke 11:13

Last week pastor Abie Kulynych taught us that, “God gives us Himself.” This truth is predominant in today’s message. God created us to be in fellowship with Him and redemption is all about restoring that fellowship. We have a tendency to make salvation about sin. We talk about being sinners and then being saved. We...


“The Gift of Prayer: He Gives Himself,” Luke 11:5-13

For the last five weeks, we’ve been talking about Luke’s account of the teaching of the Lord’s Prayer. We’ve seen that prayer was not just something Jesus taught, but it was something that he modeled. He didn’t talk about prayer as much as he allowed himself to be seen and heard praying. We talk about...


“The Gift of Prayer: Lead Us Not Into Temptation,” Luke 11:1-4

Have you noticed that the prayer Jesus taught the disciples to pray seems like it focuses on things that we don’t often focus on? I think that was the thing that made Jesus’ prayer so different. I think that might be what it was that caused one of his disciples to ask him, “Lord teach...


“The Gift of Prayer: We Also Forgive,” Luke 11:1-4

When the Son is interceding and the Spirit is interceding and the Father is leading, it is always one topic, one direction, one focus, our salvation and redemption, our transformation and reconciliation and restoration. God is talking about saving us. When we talk to God, we’re talking about not just the work we need Him...