So this is our third and final week in “The We of Wealth” series. And we finally get to the money…sort of. The church of Jerusalem was together and had everything in common. They were of one heart and one mind meaning that first and foremost they valued each other. They valued each other more...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
“The We of Wealth: Living in Awe of God even as We’re Having Feelings of Want,” Acts 2:43
Last week we started talking about “The We of Wealth.” How the church of Jerusalem was described to be all together, as having everything in common, that they were of one heart and of one mind, that they valued each other not only more than they valued themselves, but actually valued each other more than...
“The We of Wealth: So Much More than Money,” Acts 2:42-47, 4:32-35
This week we’re starting a new series called, “The We of Wealth.” We’ve been talking about “WE” all year. There have been lots of places where we talked about it, but this particular series has been on Pastor Abie’s heart for months. November, the Thanksgiving month, is certainly the right month to begin talking about...
“A Time for Rest,” 1 Kings 19
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Abie Kulynych looks at the life of devotion of the prophet Elijah to teach us about rest, its origin, purpose and when it is suitable for our lives, and in so doing reminds us that there is “A Time for Rest.”
“We Have the Holy Spirit: He Creates Community” Acts 4
Last week we walked through Acts 3 and we talked about not only how but why the Holy Spirit works signs and wonders in and through our lives. Miracles are signs that point to Jesus and they are wonders that reveal the Messiah…The miracles would have been meaningless if the Messiah hadn’t been preached. If...
“We Have the Holy Spirit: He Performs Signs and Wonders,” Acts 3
We now come to the fun part of this series we’ve been in the past three weeks, “We Have the Holy Spirit.” We talked about being marked by the Holy Spirit; we talked about how the Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses; and last week we talked about how the Holy Spirit builds up...
“We Have the Holy Spirit: He Builds Our Character,” Acts 2:40-47, Hebrews 12:1-2
In the last three weeks we’ve been talking about the reality that we have the Holy Spirit. He is not something we try to get hold of. We have the Holy Spirit because Jesus said, “If you are in me the Holy Spirit will come and live with you and will live in you.” So...
“We Have the Holy Spirit: He Empowers Our Witness” Acts 1-2
Last week we talked about the identity of the Spirit-filled, that the Holy Spirit is a person, that He is God, that He is another Helper, which means that He is just like Jesus and He lives in everyone who believes in Him. Jesus taught us that there would be specific things that the Holy...
“We Have the Holy Spirit: Marked by the Holy Spirit” John 16:4-15
This week we begin a new series that we’re just calling, “We Have the Holy Spirit.” We moved from praying, from asking for the Holy Spirit as Jesus talked about it in Luke 11:13 to the Holy Spirit living in us as it is defined in John 14,15 and 16. If you are in Christ,...
“The Gift of Prayer: The Holy Spirit, the Answer to Our Prayers” John 14:15-18
We’ve been talking for the last couple of months about prayer. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Abie Kulynych answers this very important question, “Have you ever wondered what the outcome of prayer is?” We pray a lot of prayers and there are a lot of things that we don’t see through to the end. We...