In today’s sermon, Pastor Abie Kulynych talks about “God The Redeemer,” and helps us see this truth in the understanding that our God is the same and does not change. This sermon is also the start of something new that will be carried out throughout the rest of the year. We are not going to...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
“The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: The Power that Uses Us to Give God What He Wants,” John 16:5-16
In today’s sermon, “The Power that Uses Us to Give God What He Wants,” Pastor Abie Kulynych concludes the mini series on “The Baptism of the Holy Spirit.”
“Him: Filled to Be Poured Out,” Acts 2:1-13
In today’s sermon, “Filled to Be Poured Out,” Pastor Abie Kulynych at God’s work in the first disciples for a greater work of saving souls.
“Nothing Better than Knowing God,” Philippians 3
In today’s sermon, “Nothing Better than Knowing God,” our very newly ordained Discipleship Pastor Joanne DiLeo reminds us of the most precious thing we as Christians should always long for, the knowledge of God.
“The Resurrected Life: The Ascension,” Luke 24:45-53
Acts chapter 1 says that for 40 days Jesus showed himself to his disciples and he gave many convincing proofs that he was alive and he spoke to them about the kingdom of God. So we spent the last 6 weeks talking about those 40 days. Through scriptures we see that Jesus rose to give...
“Take the Cup,” Matthew 26:36-46
In this week’s sermon, “Take the Cup,” our Youth Pastor Amanda Mackie takes us back to the time before the resurrection and before the cross to revisit Jesus’ prayer in the garden of Gethsemane as he faces the divine plan of the cross for the salvation of mankind.
“The Resurrected Life: Unresolved Places,” John 21:1-22
In today’s sermon, “Unresolved Places,” third to our mini-series, “The Resurrected Life,” Pastor Abie Kulynych looks at how the Resurrected Jesus comes to Peter after his catastrophic failure.
“Our Story So Far” Replay FB Live/Youtube: Saturday, May 7th 5:30pm
Tune in next Saturday, May 7th at 5:30pm AND Sunday, May 8th at 10am on Facebook Live/Youtube for a replay of “Our Story So Far” and hear about how God has provided for our church building on 35 W Broad St in Burlington and how He continues to lead us in the vision and heart...
“The Resurrected Life: Breaking through Difficult Places,” Luke 24:36-47
Last week we saw that Resurrection Power is going power. The first thing that Jesus did after His resurrection from the dead was to go and comfort the broken hearted Mary Magdalene and go and walk with two of His disappointed disciples. The resurrected Jesus opened Scripture and sat down at their tables and He...
“The Resurrected Life: Resurrection Power,” Luke 24:13-35
Easter is behind us, now what? Do we revert to our old ways of doing things or do we simply take a break? We sometimes talk about what we would do if we only had a year or a month or even a day left to live. Who would we talk to? What would we...