This Sunday, August 19th, we will be having a baptism service immediately after our morning service. If you have surrendered your life to Christ but have not taken the step of faith to be baptized in water we welcome you to consider taking this step with us on Sunday. In Romans 6, the Apostle Paul...
Category: <span>General News</span>
I Peter Bible Study, Wednesday, August 8th
Tonight we will be studying I Peter 4:7-11. In this passage Peter turns the attention of his readers, whom he has called to be pilgrims and strangers, to live in submission to leaders, employers, spouses and each other, even if that submission leads to following in Christ’s example of suffering, to understand that “the end of...
Bible Study: I Peter 4:1-6, Wednesday, July 25th, 7:00
Somewhere along the line, someone decided that Jesus suffered so that we would not have to. This idea, that is a comfort to some, is actually deceitful to all. The New Testament teaches us clearly that Christ died to free us from the bondage of sin, but never that He suffered to free us from...
Community Workday & Fellowship, Sunday, July 15th 5:00pm
On Sunday, July 15th at 5:00 PM, we will be gathering with the local churches for a time of fellowship and working together to cleanup another park. For this cleanup, we will be focusing our attention on the 6th Street Park. In addition to working together, we will also be enjoying a meal together and spending...
Bible Study: I Peter 3:18-22, Wednesday, July 11 7:00 PM
I Peter 3:18-22 contains what many have referred to as the most difficult New Testament passage to interpret. Peter has appealed to his readers to choose submission, even when it leads to suffering. Now he gives a reason, quite simply, because Jesus suffered for all. That statement is not one to cause guilt but to...
Philippines Trip Recap, Sunday, May 27th, 10:00
This Sunday morning, May 27th, at 10:00, Abie will be sharing about his recent trip to General Santos, Philippines. He will be sharing some stories, showing pictures and a few videos as well as weaving in some ways that God showed His love to him personally and wants to show it to us corporately. While...
Bible Study, Wednesday, May 23, 7:00
Peter has pleaded with the church to be different, to be witnesses of Christ by living in submission to the leaders of government, to the employers and bosses at their jobs, even to their spouses as both wives and husbands, he then says, in verse 8, “Now the end” and tells us to live in...
Prayer Meeting, Monday, May 21st, 7:00
Join us tonight at 7:00 for our bi-weekly prayer meeting at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. Our prayer meetings are a time to share our needs and to pray both with and for each other. Tonight we will be praying our way through I Kings 19:1-18. Elijah was overwhelmed, he’d had enough,...
I Peter Bible Study, Wednesday, February 28th, 7:00 PM
Join us tomorrow night, Wednesday, February 28th as we continue our study of I Peter. This week we will pick up at I Peter 2:7 and begin discussing the contrast between Jesus being precious to God but rejected by men. Peter reveals in Christ what he has already spoken of in us, elect by God...
I Peter Bible Study, Wednesday, January 31st
Our study of the book of I Peter continues this Wednesday night, January 31st. We will be taking a close look at 2:1-10, the calling to come to and then become like Jesus. In these verses Peter has much to say about who we are in Christ: living stones, a chosen generation,a royal priesthood, a...