“Expedience or Extravagance” John 12:1-8

This Sunday we had the joy of joining with Restoration Station for their Sunday service. Below you will find the audio recording of Abie’s message, but if you follow the link you will be able to see the video recording of the entire service.

Facebook: Video of Sunday’s Service


We tell people or even ourselves “just believe” as if that is all it takes to move forward. But believe alone is not enough. Scripture tells us in James that “even the demons believe.” We must believe and then make the choice to follow Jesus. If we want Jesus to have His way, we must be willing to surrender ours. Are we being expedient or extravagant? Are we holding on to what matters to us or surrendering to Jesus? In our text today, we see that Mary had decided that Jesus was more valuable than what she had or what she wanted to become. Mary poured out the perform on Jesus’ head and feet because to her it would have been wasteful to hold on to it. His worth to us is revealed by our service. This morning I pray, that we would see that some seasons require everything we’ve got and that we must believe that God will provide for what comes next.