What is eternal life? We just read how Jesus defines it and in a few minutes we will talk about that definition at length, but as we begin today the question that I believe must be asked is, what have thought eternal life to be? What have we been told eternal is? What do we want eternal life to look like? There is often a disconnect between what God says and what we hear. A disconnect between what God says and what we believe, and especially a disconnect between what God says and how we live. Jesus both revealed and corrected this reality in the sermon on the mount, but repeating this particular statement six different times, “You have heard it say…But I say to you…” This morning I want to use Jesus’ own language to deal with the reality of eternal life. I believe Jesus would say this to us today, “You have heard it say that eternal life is when you go to heaven and live with God forever. But I say to you that eternal life is when you know the Father and the Son and you live by indwelling power of the Holy Spirit here, now and forever.” In this week’s sermon, Pastor Abie Kulynych helps us to answer this question, what is eternal life?