On January 25th we are going to begin a new discipleship small group. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave the apostles the greatcommission to go into all the world and make disciples. While we attempt to take that as our calling, we often miss the fact that Jesus had taken three years to make these men into disciples before He called them to go and do it in others. Before we can make disciples, we must be disciples. This group will focus on what it means to be a disciple. Through a combination of small group meeting, personal study and individual fellowship/mentorship, we aim to learn how to become like Jesus by focusing on what Jesus showed as the four essentials of His life: the Word of God, the presence of God through prayer, the people of God through fellowship and fasting. We will meet every other Saturday morning from 10:00 AM- 11:00 AM starting on January 25th at the Kulynych’s home. In between our group meetings we will work to meet together individually, and we will also be setting up either an email thread or a Facebook group for daily interactions. We will be using Andrew Murray’s book The True Vine and leaning largely on John 15, the Vine, the branches, the Vinedresser, the fruit and the Sap, for our study and discussion. If you are interested in being part of the group, please let Abie know. We will be ordering books in the next week, they are $9 (digital version also available).