
Blog: “Do Not Fret”

“Do not fret . . . Trust in the LORD . . . Dwell in the land . . . Delight yourself also in the LORD . . .” Psalm 37:1-4 I have a tendency to fret. To fret is more than to worry or be anxious, the Hebrew word used in Psalm 37 means...


II Corinthians 5:14-21 “Always Pursued”

Our study of this passage of Scripture has been building toward reconciliation. We have seen that the very beginning of this process is the understanding that Jesus died for all. Jesus didn’t die for you or for me. Jesus didn’t die for those that have believed or even those that will believe. Paul wrote that...


Mark Bible Study: Mark 16:1-8 “Even When There Is No Faith”

Tonight we begin to close the book of Mark by seeing the most important moment thus far in the history of man. Chapter 15 closed with Jesus’ death and burial. Three women watched as Jesus’ lifeless body was taken down from the cross and wrapped in linen. They followed as Jesus was carried by two...


II Corinthians 5:14-21 “To Belong To Jesus”

In Philippians 3 Paul said that he was “forgetting what was behind” so that he could strain, press or reach forward toward what was still in front of him. In Isaiah 42, God, speaking to Israel, describing and announcing the coming of the Messiah said “the former things have come to pass” (meaning that they...


II Corinthians 5:14-21 “From Now On”

I have shared over and over again this year, in all of our different texts and series that the only way to truly know the nature of a kingdom is to learn the heart and character of the king. This text that we enter into today, for the third week in a row, is a...


Mark Bible Study: Mark 15:33-47 “Death and Burial”

In John 10:17-18 Jesus said “For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from Me but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up...


II Corinthians 5:14-21 “To Live Differently”

As I’ve shared recently, this passage of Scripture has great importance to me personally but for these next few weeks I want us to see that it is a vital part of our corporate identity.   It’s a passage that reveals Jesus’ work and the Father’s desire, it literally defines reconciliation and then it takes everything...


Mark Bible Study: Mark 15:16-32 “Merciful Suffering”

Once Pilate gave in to the wishes of the Sanhedrin and the cries of the people that had been “stirred” by the chief priests he turned Jesus over to be scourged and then to be crucified. In this text Mark walks us from Jesus’ scourging to being nailed to the cross. We don’t know how...


I Corinthians 15:12-28 “Risen for . . . “

The reality of Jesus’ physical resurrection from the dead is of the utmost importance. We are sometimes guilty of putting so much of our attention on the cross that we take the resurrection for granted or miss it’s daily, personal importance. The Scriptures teach us very clearly that the cross proved and sealed God’s love...