
“The Shepherd is the Door” John 10:7-21

What is abundant life? Jesus came to make life abundant, restore it, and redeem it by putting it back in the hands of the Creator. Often, we want abundant life to look like a life marked by “more”, but the reality is that we cannot live in the promise of abundance while chasing our own...


II Peter Bible Study: Wednesday, January 30th, 7:00 PM

In the first chapter of his second letter, Peter established that there was nothing more important or more powerful than our knowledge, our correct, true, intimate knowledge of Jesus. Peter said that he knew Jesus by experience, but then wrote that even more sure than his experience with Jesus is the witness of the Word...


II Peter 1:16-21 “A Surer Confirmation”

In a time when the validity of Jesus’ testimony was being questioned, when those who followed Him were being mocked as fools and the events of His life disregarded as myths, fables and fairy tales, Peter established two witnesses as evidence, his experience and God’s Word. Today we live in a culture that disregards Jesus...


Burlington House of Prayer: Sunday, January 27th, 6:00 PM

Our next BHOP gathering will be this Sunday, January 27th, at 6:00 PM at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Road in Burlington. Our House of Prayer gatherings are times to gather in God’s presence, worship and respond to God’s heart through prayer and the reading of Scripture, to let the Holy Spirit speak and lead...


“Not Just Slow to Anger” John 10:6-7

What does God say about Himself? How have we experienced God for ourselves? In Exodus 34 we read a passage where God describes Himself by saying “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing...


“Devoted to His Voice” John 10:1-6

Have you ever had a relationship in which you felt like you gave more than you received in return? We all have, whether it was friendship, dating, employment, church or neighbors, we’ve all felt, at some point, like we were more devoted to someone than they were to us. In Acts 2:42, the first church...


Prayer Meeting: Monday, January 21st, 7:00 PM

Join us for a time of praying with and for each other as we gather on Monday, January 21st at 7:00 PM for our bi-weekly prayer meeting. Our prayer meetings are a time for us to share our burdens with each other and to hold up the arms of our brothers and sisters. There is...


II Peter Bible Study: Wednesday, January 16th, 7:00 PM

On Wednesday night we will continue our study of II Peter. In a time when the validity of Jesus’ testimony was being questioned, when those who followed Him were being mocked as fools and the events of His life disregarded as myths, fables and fairy tales, Peter established two witnesses as evidence, his experience and...


New Blog: A Year in the Psalms

This year Abie has made a resolution to write more and it is his hope to write his way through the Psalms; some thoughts about a new Psalm every couple of days. To view this blog and read the most recent post, please follow the link below or scroll over the sermon tab and click...