We will be taking communion together on Sunday, June 30th, during our morning service. Please spend time this week prayerfully preparing your hearts to come and eat, drink and rightly remember Jesus.
Author: City of Refuge
Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, June 26th, 7:00 PM
Join us for our next Bible Study on Wednesday, June 26th, at 7:00 PM, as we begin to study Revelation verse by verse. We will be gathering at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. We apologize but there is no childcare provided for this gathering.
Prayer Meeting: Monday, June 24th, 7:00 PM
Join us for a time of praying with and for each other as we gather on Monday, June 24th at 7:00 PM for our bi-weekly prayer meeting. Our prayer meetings are a time for us to share our burdens with each other and to hold up the arms of our brothers and sisters. There is...
No Burlington House of Prayer for June
Due to Kids Day we will not be gathering for BHOP on June 23rd, but will resume gathering on July 28th.
“The Greeks” John 12:20-22
Right after we read about the triumphal entry, we read about a group of Greeks wanting to talk to Jesus. Why are these almost seemingly out of place verses here? These are a group of Greeks who had come to worship, they wanted to celebrate Passover. They are a group of gentiles who had forsaken...
Introduction “Why Revelation?”
Tonight, we begin our verse by verse study of the book of Revelation. Some might be asking, “Why Revelation?” To answer that rightly we have to understand what Revelation is. It is, first and foremost, Scripture. It is inspired by God and purposed to equip us to know God and make Him known. Revelation is...
Kids Day Burlington: Saturday, June 22nd, 10:00 AM
This year Kids Day Burlington will be taking place on Saturday, June 22nd from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM at Mitchell Field. If you are interested in helping, please see Melissa, [email protected] For more information visit the link below
“The King is Coming” John 12:12-19
What happens when our excitement causes us to create unreal or even wrong expectations? Do we run with excitement or let patience and endurance have its work? What do we do when excitement wears off? There is a danger when we tend to find ourselves seeking an experience rather than allowing something to be built....
Kids Day Volunteer Meeting: Monday, June 17th, 7:00 PM
We will be having a meeting on Monday, June 17th at 7:00 PM for all those who are interested in helping out at Kids Day. The meeting will take place at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Road in Burlington. Please let Melissa [email protected] or Amanda [email protected] know if you can attend.
New Bible Study Begins June 12th
On Wednesday, June 12th we will begin our next Bible study which will be a verse by verse study of Revelation. There is a blessing found in Revelation that is not found anywhere else and it is our hope that we can commit ourselves to find this blessing. To see that it is not a...