
“Jesus, Not Judas” John 13:18-35

Our text today is usually focused on Judas and stirs up many questions, but today I want us to focus on Jesus. What can Judas’ betrayal teach us about the heart of God? The purpose of Scripture is to reveal the character of God. This text reveals to us the love and dedication Jesus had...


Revelation 1:10-16 “Write it Down”

The first command of the book of Revelation was John telling us to “Look” for the return of Jesus. The first instructions of Jesus in the book of Revelation are Him telling John to write and send everything that he sees to the churches of Asia. The written Word is God’s invention, it is a...


“An Important Question” John 13:12-20

The truth is often found more in questions than in answers. God is often found asking us questions. There is nothing God doesn’t know, so why does He ask questions? He asks questions for revelation not for information. Today’s text asks the question, do we know what He has done for us? This morning I...


Youth End of Summer Bonfire: Friday, August 30th

Join us for our Youth Group end of summer bonfire on Friday, August 30th at 7pm at the Ireland’s, 237 W Union Street in Burlington. All students in grades 7th-12th are welcome, including incoming 7th graders! We will be spending some time around the fire, enjoying treats, and playing games. If you have any questions,...


Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, August 21st, 7:00 PM

The first command of the book of Revelation was John telling us to “Look” for the return of Jesus. The first instructions of Jesus in the book of Revelation are Him telling John to write and send everything that he sees to the churches of Asia. The written Word is God’s invention, it is a...


Prayer Meeting: Monday, August 19th, 7:00 PM

Join us for a time of praying with and for each other as we gather on Monday, August 19th at 7:00 PM for our bi-weekly prayer meeting. Our prayer meetings are a time for us to share our burdens with each other and to hold up the arms of our brothers and sisters. There is...


Youth Movie Night: Saturday, August 17th, 6:00 PM

Join us for our next Youth Group movie night on Saturday, August 17th from 6:00 PM-9:00PM at Amanda’s house, 526 Wood Street in Burlington. All students in grades 7th-12th are welcome, including incoming 7th graders! We will be having dinner together and enjoying the movie “All Saints”.


“Love and Servanthood” John 13:1-11

Two weeks ago, we spoke about how when Jesus references “the hour” He is speaking about the cross. When Jesus knew His hour had come, when it was time to die for us, He set His eyes on His love for us. In His darkest hour He turned His attention on others, not Himself. How...


Revelation 1:7-11 “Look”

After singing about the majesty of Jesus, John in Revelation 1:7, gave us the first command and promise of the book of Revelation. He commanded us to “Look” and promised that Jesus is coming with the clouds. The word “Look” is much more than just where we put our eyes, it’s the position of our...