Join us as we gather for a time of praying with and for each other on Monday, September 30th at 7:00 PM. Our prayer meetings are a time for us to share our burdens with each other and to hold up the arms of our brothers and sisters. There is no obligation to prayer out...
Author: City of Refuge
Combined Service: Sunday, September 29th, 10:00 AM
On Sunday, September 29th we will be joining with Grace Alliance Chapel for a combined Sunday worship service from 10:00 AM- 11:15 AM. Grace Alliance is located at 118D Burrs Road in Westampton
“Which Works?” John 14:8-14
There is nothing more important than belief. What we believe, we live, and how we live reveals what we believe. Belief must encompass our minds, our hearts, and lives- everything or else it doesn’t change us. And if our beliefs don’t change us then they are not actually beliefs. It is more than knowledge. It...
Revelation 2:1-7 “First Love”
Have you ever missed the mark? Have you ever worked hard to accomplish something only to find out that you had put your energy and effort into the wrong thing? In Revelation chapter 2, Jesus begins to deliver messages to each of the seven churches of Asia. The church in Ephesus was a strong church...
Encounter Night of Prayer & Worship: Sunday, September 22nd, 7:00 PM
On Sunday, September 22nd, at 7:00 PM we are going to be joining Grace Alliance Chapel for an Encounter Night of Prayer and Worship. Grace Alliance is located at 118D Burrs Road in Westampton
Outdoor Family Movie Night: Saturday, September 21st, 7:00 PM
Every Saturday from September 7th through October 5th the Burlington City Police Dept. along with several other community groups will be hosting an outdoor family movie night. CORF will be sponsoring the movie night on Saturday, September 21st at 7:00pm at the Logan Ave. fields and we will be showing “Remember the Titans”. We will...
“The Way to What?” John 14:1-14
Last week we spoke about how God uses our trouble to increase our faith. In our text, Jesus is still at the table with the disciples and He had just told Peter that he would deny Him. When Jesus said “Let your heart not be troubled” it was not about what the disciples were going...
“Troubled to Believe” John 14:1-11
The reality is that when trouble comes, questions arise within us. What did we do wrong? Can we change it? Is God even present? In our text Jesus is preparing the apostles for His death and what we see is that the apostles’ greatest trouble, was God’s desire. If trouble is a given, and God...
Marriage Enrichment Breakfast: Saturday, September 21st, 9:45 AM
On Saturday, September 21st from 9:45 AM-12:00 PM Journey Church will be hosting a marriage enrichment breakfast. Couples, married or engaged, are invited to join as they gather together to celebrate marriage. It will be a time of strengthening our relationships with God and one another. Abie will be one of the speakers. The cost...
Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, September 18th, 7:00 PM
Join us on Wednesday, September 18th at 7:00 PM as we continue in our study of Revelation by starting chapter 2. We will be gathering at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. We apologize but there is no childcare provided for this gathering.