We will not be gathering for the Burlington House of Prayer this month.
Author: City of Refuge
Revelation 2:12-17 ” Pergamos, Balaam & Accountability”
Imagine being faithful enough to endure persecution, but not enough to accept accountability; holding fast to Jesus’ name, but not to His Word. That’s exactly where the church of Pergamos found themselves in Revelation 2:12-17. Jesus commended them for being faithful in persecution, for holding fast to His name, for keeping the faith while living...
Pastor Appreciation Lunch: Sunday, October 20th, 2:00 PM
We will be celebrating “Pastor Appreciation Day” for Abie and Melissa on Sunday, October 20th after service. We will be gathering for lunch at the Ireland’s, 237 W Union Street in Burlington, at 2:00 PM. Please let Amanda know by October 17th if you will be attending, [email protected]
CORF Family & Friend’s Bonfire: Friday, October 18th, 6:00 PM
Paul & Barb Schellhardt are hosting a bonfire at their home, 1103 Perkins Lane, Edgewater Park, on Friday night, October 18th, starting at 6:00 PM. Come join us for some hot dogs, roasted marshmallows, s’mores, and enjoy some fellowship with your CORF family. Just bring a lawn chair for sitting around the fire. Please RSVP...
“The Resurrection is Our Life” John 14:18-21
Sometimes the key to seeing something clearly is to be sure we are looking at from the right direction. We see everything in Scripture from hindsight which we like to believe is 20/20. We know what happened next in the story. We tend to not feel the weight of the cross because we know about...
“Obedience and the Holy Spirit” John 14:15-17
In our verses today we see the convergence of God’s character and our obedience. Jesus calls us to something we need to better understand and then He promises us something that I am not sure we fully believe. We know it, but do we believe it? He says “If you love me you will keep...
Blog: “The Day of Atonement”
Today at sundown is the beginning of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. You can read about God’s implementation of the Day of Atonement to Israel in Leviticus 16. One of the things that has stood out to me as I have been praying is the beginning of verse 34, “This is to be a...
Revelation 2:8-11 “Fear and Faithfulness”
Tonight, we move from the church whose love had grown cold to the church whose persecution was about to grow hot. Nobody likes trials, tests or persecution and yet, what we find in Scripture is that these things are never random, while they feel like they are happening to us, God works in such a...
Connections Women’s Group: Rachael Williams
This month our speaker at Connections was Rachael Williams. Check out the audio recording of her message below or follow the link to see the video on our Facebook page Rachael has a passion to see people develop their own unique Voice. She is the coordinator for Empower Proclaim, a Coach, Author and the Pastors...
Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, October 16th, 7:00 PM
Join us on Wednesday, October 16th at 7:00 PM as we continue in our study of Revelation by picking up at chapter 2 verse 12. We will be gathering at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. We apologize but there is no childcare provided for this gathering.