Join us for our next Youth Group movie night on Saturday, November 23rd from 6:00 PM-9:00 PM at Amanda’s house, 526 Wood Street in Burlington. All students in grades 7th-12th are welcome to join us for dinner and a movie!
Author: City of Refuge
Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, November 20th, 7:00 PM
Have you ever wondered why it’s so important to resist Satan and reject sin? Usually we talk about this in terms of avoiding punishment. We tell people not to sin so that they won’t go to hell, face punishment or be judged by God. Even in the practical sense we try to explain the dangers...
Men’s Breakfast: Saturday, November 16th, 9:00 AM
This Saturday we have been invited to join with Tabernacle Baptist for their men’s breakfast which will take place at 9:00 AM at their church, 150 East 2nd Street in Burlington. The breakfast is open to all men and Tabernacle Baptist will prepare the breakfast, a $7 donation is suggested but not required. Please some...
“What is Peace?” John 14:27-31
What is peace? We all want it, we pray for it, but how do we define it? We want it to be calm, quiet and the absence of struggle/conflict. Some of us might want it to be that feeling that “everything is going to be okay” which we compare to Jesus taking a nap during...
Youth Group Movie Night: Saturday, November 23rd, 6:00 PM
Join us for our next Youth Group movie night on Saturday, November 23rd from 6:00 PM-9:00 PM at Amanda’s house, 526 Wood Street in Burlington. All students in grades 7th-12th are welcome to join us for dinner and a movie!
Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, November 20th, 7:00 PM
Join us on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00 PM as we continue in our study of Revelation by finishing up chapter 2. We will be gathering at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. We apologize but there is no childcare provided for this gathering.
Revelation 2:18-29 “Tolerance and Judgement”
Leadership coach Mary Marshall wrote, “You become what you tolerate.” What we make room for eventually takes over. In our passage, Jesus sent a message to the leaders of the church at Thyatira rebuking them for tolerating a sinful person that was teaching a dangerous doctrine. Once again, we are faced with a church that...
Connections Women’s Group: Joanne Barnett
This month our speaker at Connections was Joanne Barnett. Check out the audio recording of her message below or follow the link to see the video on our Facebook page Joanne serves as the administrative pastor of Faith Covenant Fellowship Ministries in Burlington where her husband, the Reverend William Barnett, Jr., is the Senior Pastor....
Prayer Meeting: Monday, November 11th, 7:00 PM
Join us as we gather for a time of praying with and for each other on Monday, November 11th at 7:00 PM. Our prayer meetings are a time for us to share our burdens with each other and to hold up the arms of our brothers and sisters. There is no obligation to prayer out...
Communion: Sunday, November 10th, 10:00 AM
We will be taking communion together on Sunday, November 10th, during our morning service. Please spend time this week prayerfully preparing your hearts to come and eat, drink and rightly remember Jesus.