“Prayer in the Vine” John 15: 7-8

“Prayer in the Vine” John 15: 7-8

We have a tendency of complicating things that don’t need to be complicated. Some of us here are over thinkers; some of us try to straighten things out that are not even crooked; Some of us try to find a better way when the way we’ve got is good already. It is not just good...

“The Branch part 2” John 15:5-6

“The Branch part 2” John 15:5-6

Some scriptures are difficult to deal with. I don’t know if you’ve noticed like I have, but we tend to have a handful of verses that we all seem to gravitate around and then there are others that we avoid and we try to skip over. And if we have to read them we sort...

Men’s Night of Worship and the Word: Friday, February 21st

Men’s Night of Worship and the Word: Friday, February 21st

On Friday, February 21st from 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM the Tabernacle Baptist Men’s Ministry will be hosting a night of worship and the word, “Let’s Get it Started in 2020”. This will be a great night for all men to fellowship and worship together. For more information or if you are interested in attending, please...

Revelation 3:14-22, “The Other Side of Rebuke”

Revelation 3:14-22, “The Other Side of Rebuke”

Jesus gave the church at Laodicea probably the most famous rebuke of all times, “I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” As we talked about two weeks ago he used an analogy that they were familiar with. He said, “I could wish you were cold or hot so then because you are...


Communion: Sunday, February 9th

We will be taking communion together on Sunday, February 9th, during our morning service. Please spend time prayerfully preparing your hearts to come and eat, drink and rightly remember Jesus.


Pop-up Pantry: Saturday, February 8th

On Saturday, February 8th, and every 2nd and 4th Saturday, the South Jersey Food Bank will be coming to do a Pop-up Food Distribution at Kennedy Park from 12:30 PM -2:00 PM. They are in need of volunteers between of the hours of 11:30 AM-3:00 PM. If you have questions or are interested in helping, please...


Connections Women’s Group: Tuesday, February 4th

Connections Women’s Group: Join us on Tuesday, February 4th, at 7:00 PM for Connections Women’s Group. This month Rosalie McCartney will be our speaker! If you are looking for a place to deepen your relationship with Christ and other women, then please join us as we gather at 28 East Events in Burlington (28 East Union...


Prayer Meeting: Monday, February 3rd

Join us as we gather for a time of praying with and for each other on Monday, February 3rd at 7:00 PM. Our prayer meetings are a time for us to share our burdens with each other and to hold up the arms of our brothers and sisters. There is no obligation to prayer out...

“The Branch part 1” John 15:1-5

“The Branch part 1” John 15:1-5

The first sermon that was ever preached by the church is recorded for us in Acts 2. Peter was preaching under the influence of the Holy Spirit. And while he was in the middle of his sermon, we’re told that the crowd interrupted him. They shouted out, “what shall we do?” Truth is often met...

Blog: Death Still Stings

Blog: Death Still Stings

A few weeks ago, I was with a friend just after his father passed away. Another friend lost her grandmother, a third had a cousin that unexpectedly and tragically died. In the middle of these losses in the lives of my friends, one of the pastors from my teen years went home to be with...