“Loved to Love” John 15:12

“Loved to Love” John 15:12

The last night of Jesus’ life, before his arrest, his death and resurrection, began with these words from John 13:1, “It was just before the Passover feast. Jesus knew the time has come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now...


Seek God for the City:

Seek God for the City gives daily directed prayers of God’s greatest hopes for our city’s deepest needs. Each day begins with a specific focus, Scripture, and written prayers to help us to pray God’s heart and then a specific people group to intercede for. At the end of each prayer time is a calling...


Men’s Bible Study: Saturday, March 14th

The next men’s Bible study at Tabernacle Baptist Church, 150 East 2nd Street in Burlington, is on Saturday, March 14th at 10:00 AM. Abie teaches this study on the first Saturday of every month, but this month he will be teaching on the second Saturday. The Bible study is open to all men of the...


Men’s Bible Study: Saturday, March 14th, 10:00 AM

The next men’s Bible study at Tabernacle Baptist Church, 150 East 2nd Street in Burlington, is on Saturday, March 14th at 10:00 AM. Abie teaches this study on the first Saturday of every month, but this month he will be teaching on the second Saturday. The Bible study is open to all men of the...

Revelation 5:1-7 “The Lion is the Lamb”

Revelation 5:1-7 “The Lion is the Lamb”

Tonight, our study of the book of Revelation takes us to chapter 5 and introduces us to the Lamb. As we’ve talked about so many times, the entire letter is about Jesus, it is “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, but as we dig through it, Jesus is revealed in many different ways. He has introduced...

“The God of Joy” John 15:9-11

“The God of Joy” John 15:9-11

Do we allow ourselves to picture God dancing? Do we picture Him smiling? Why do most of our pictures show Him with little or no emotion? Or when we do show His emotion it is usually His anger in clearing out the temple or His agony in preparing for and enduring the cross. The way...


Connections Women’s Group: Tuesday, March 3rd

Join us on Tuesday, March 3rd, at 7:00 PM for Connections Women’s Group. This month we will have the pleasure of hearing from Dr. Amy Dean! If you are looking for a place to deepen your relationship with Christ and other women, then please join us as we gather at 28 East Events in Burlington...