Gospel Project Small Group
Author: City of Refuge
Revelation Bible Study – Facebook Live, Wednesday, June 24
Please join us this Wednesday, June 24 at 7pm for Revelation Bible Study – on Facebook Live
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed .” (John 8:36). We are His people. We are His agents. We are His ambassadors. Will we be people of freedom, real freedom and not just the idea of freedom? Will we be agents of freedom to those in captivity? Will we be...
“Privilege Released, Burden Lifted,” John 17:1-5
We’ve been in this passage for a long time now. New verses, but the same passage. And as we come to this place today, we are understanding that the end was near. The feet had been washed, the passover meal had been eaten, the new covenant has been announced and a new commandment had been...
“Promises Kept,” Revelation 7:1-8
When we read the Scriptures do we take the time to make the connections between God’s promises and His fulfillments? Often what God speaks is generations, even centuries from coming to pass and if we are not careful we can read right through and miss that everything He speaks comes to pass. He told Abraham...
Hello CORF Family! Our faith in God compels us to live out a life of thanksgiving as an expression of our devotion to God, His word and each other, but also as an expression of our yielding to His will no matter what the circumstances may be. We don’t live in hindsight, we live in...
“Trouble, Courage, Victory,” John 16:23-33
The last sentences of the last verse of our text are the ones that most of us have heard. They are the ones that are most often quoted and possibly they are the ones that are the most misunderstood. The NIV says it this way, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart...
Hello CORF Family, We pray that the peace and love of our just and loving God be with you in these trouble times. If you had the chance to drive around today, you would see fallen trees around the neighborhood from the recent storm, and this on top of the pandemic, the protests and riots,...
“Another Pentecost,” Acts 2:1-4
I decided to step away from John 16. One reason is because it’s Pentecost Sunday, the day that we remember what we call the birth of the Church, that we remember the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The promise of the Father that Jesus has been preparing the apostles for. It was when the day...