Prayer Meeting (Zoom or in person TBD)
Author: City of Refuge
“Stay Devoted,” Luke 2:40-47
At the end of 2018, both our Youth Pastor Amanda and Pastor Abie felt God speaking to their hearts the importance of Acts 2:42, and specifically the word “devoted.” After a lot of prayers, studying and many conversations, they felt that God was leading them to make the word “devoted” our theme for 2019, not...
“He Dwells With Us,” Revelation 7:13-17
Most often, when we are asked a question, we immediately assume we need to have the answer. Few of us like to admit we don’t know; but most of us fear disappointing those whom we believe look to us for guidance. Revelation 7 gives us something to think about when one of the elders asks John...
“For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of...
Food Pantry, Saturday, July 11th
Food Bank of South Jersey Pop- Up Food Pantry is located on 522 Wood St. in Burlington in the parking lot of the Keegan Rec Center. They need volunteers between the hours of 11:30-2:30, Saturday 7/11.
“Jesus’ Purpose, Our Identity and Our Response,” John 17:6-8
Jesus spent the last few minutes of his last night with his disciples praying. He prayed for himself, for the apostles, and then he even prayed for us, for all of those who would ever believe in him because of their witness. In his prayer for himself, Jesus defined eternal life as knowing, as absolute...