
CORF UPDATE #69 | JULY 30, 2021

“Provision may not come as we expect…but if God can cause water to flow from a rock to quench Israel’s thirst, then He can certainly take care of my needs.” Amanda Mackie  Good afternoon CORF, We have a special treat for our worship service this weekend as we get another opportunity to hear from Jonathan...


Monday Night Prayer: Monday, July 26th at 7pm

Our next prayer meeting is Monday, July 26th at 7pm on Zoom. An email will go out that morning with the link to join, please let Melissa know if you are not currently on our email list so you can be added. If you are unable to attend but have a prayer request, please email...


“The Gift of Prayer: Your Kingdom Come,” Luke 11:1-4

This is our third week talking about “The We of Prayer,” “The Gift of Prayer,” really using the Lord’s Prayer as it is taught in Luke 11 as our guide. As we’ve been talking about, this is not just Jesus telling us what we should say in prayer. It is not a prayer that we...


CORF UPDATE #68 | JULY 23, 2021

“Slow down. Don’t be impatient.” Abie Kulynych Good afternoon CORF, If you had the opportunity to join us last Sunday afternoon for good food and an even better fellowship, we would like to thank you for your participation. As great as it was, we would be remiss if we did not honor and thank our...


Revelation Bible Study: Wednesday, July 21st at 7pm

Our next Revelation Bible Study will be Wednesday, July 21st at 7pm at Tom & Joanne DiLeo’s. An email will be sent early Monday and you must register to attend, so keep an eye on your inbox for that info. If you are unable to attend in person, we will still be broadcasting on Facebook...


Friday, July 23rd: Girl’s Night Out!

CORF Ladies save the date! We will be having a Girl’s Night Out at Lisa Hamill’s on Friday, July 23rd. More details to come soon! Put it on your calendar now and plan to come for a night of laughter, good food and fellowship! Hope to see you there!


“The Gift of Prayer: Hallowed Be Your Name,” Luke 11:1-4

It has been said and you probably heard it at some point in your Christian life that we don’t need to teach about prayer, we don’t need to talk about prayer, people just need to pray. And yet the reality is that if you don’t know how to pray, how can you start praying? All...


CORF UPDATE #67 | JULY 16, 2021

“He makes me lie down on green pastures.” Psalm 23:2 Good afternoon CORF, After last week’s message on prayer, we trust that you made time to pray, to answer the open invitation into the conversation the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit always have. If you can spend some time to listen to it...


“We Pray,” Luke 11:1-4

We take really the next step in talking about “WE,” this theme for the year trying to change our mindset and our heart condition so that we can also change our focus and change our pronouns, that we would move from I and me and mine and their to we and us and our, to...


CORF UPDATE #66 | JULY 09, 2021

“Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.” 1 Thessalonians 5:15 (NIV) Good afternoon CORF, We trust that the Lord has been with you throughout the work week and we stand thankful to him for all his work in...