
CORF Building Workday: Saturday, September 25th 8am-12pm

We received the construction permit for the 1st phase of construction so now it’s time to get to work! We are excited to join together on Saturday 9/25 from 8am-12pm for our Building Workday. There will be something for EVERYONE to do, so please let Melissa know you are coming and watch for more details...


“The Gift of Prayer: What Are We Asking For?,” Luke 11:13

Last week pastor Abie Kulynych taught us that, “God gives us Himself.” This truth is predominant in today’s message. God created us to be in fellowship with Him and redemption is all about restoring that fellowship. We have a tendency to make salvation about sin. We talk about being sinners and then being saved. We...



Our intercession time during this week’s Saturday worship service will be dedicated to praying for our students and teachers that are heading back to school. Back to School is an exciting time but there is the awareness that the past year has been very challenging during the pandemic for students, teachers and parents alike! Join...


Girl’s Night Out: Friday, August 27th at 630pm

We had such a great time at the last Girl’s Night Out we decided to do it again! We will be meeting again at Lisa Hamill’s THIS Friday, August 27th at 630pm. Please plan to bring an appetizer or dessert to share. We are looking forward to another relaxing night with no agenda other than...


CORF UPDATE #73 | AUGUST 27, 2021

Good afternoon CORF, It’s Friday already? Yep! And it looks like days are going way too fast to remember what happened during the week. We certainly pray that you find yourself in God’s presence and the fellowship of one another. We look forward to connecting again this weekend for our service in person and online....


“The Gift of Prayer: He Gives Himself,” Luke 11:5-13

For the last five weeks, we’ve been talking about Luke’s account of the teaching of the Lord’s Prayer. We’ve seen that prayer was not just something Jesus taught, but it was something that he modeled. He didn’t talk about prayer as much as he allowed himself to be seen and heard praying. We talk about...


Monday Night Prayer: Monday, August 23rd at 7pm

Our next Prayer Meeting is Monday, August 23rd at 7pm on Zoom. An email will go out with the link to join the Zoom call on Monday morning. If you aren’t on our mailing list or can’t join us but have a prayer request, please let Melissa know. 

Girl’s Night Out: Friday, August 27th at 630pm

Girl’s Night Out: Friday, August 27th at 630pm

We had such a great time at the last Girl’s Night Out we decided to do it again! We will be meeting again at Lisa Hamill’s on Friday, August 27th at 630pm. Please plan to bring an appetizer or dessert to share. We are looking forward to another relaxing night with no agenda other than...


CORF UPDATE #72 | AUGUST 20, 2021

Good afternoon CORF, “What do you know to be true?” We pray that your week has been good and productive. If you have not had the opportunity to enjoy this summer, it may be time for you to find a way to savor the remaining days we still have before fall.  The weekend is here...