Nehemiah was given an awesome task, to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. At every turn he was met with difficulty, with doubt and with opposition. Nehemiah teaches us a very valuable lesson; he met every difficulty with prayer. Before he went to the king with the burden of his heart he prayed. Before he proposed...
Author: City of Refuge
Transitions are often difficult. We spend time praying and even dreaming about the next open door but we often give little thought to the closed door that will precede it. In Revelation 3 Jesus declared that He holds the “key of David” which has all power not merely in the opening of doors but the...
Day of Prayer for National Leaders
We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. This week we pray that: Our National Leaders have been raised with Christ, and will set...
Submit to Trust
Many of us have heard the word submit and immediately turned on our defenses. For some reason submission has become one of those concepts that we equate with weakness. Submission is not at all about one more powerful dominating a weaker vessel. The truth of submission is found in relationship, in trust and in love....
Prayer Walking at Burlington City Schools
For the next five weeks we will be prayer walking every Thursday night at a different school in Burlington City. The children’s ministry will continue as usual at 325 Fernwood Ave. August 6th Samuel Smith School August 13th Wilbur Watts Intermediate School August 20th Captain James Lawrence School August 27th Elias Boudinot School September 3rd...
Need A Towel?
As Paul neared the end of his letter to the Ephesian Church he began to admonish them, giving advice as to how they should live, with God and with each other. He wrote: “Be imitators of God as dear children.” “Walk as children of light . . . Finding out what is acceptable to the...
Day of Prayer for National Leaders
We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. This week we pray that: Our National Leaders will be swift to hear, slow to speak,...
The Path and the Voice
A few years ago when I was reading over the Genesis account of Noah and the building of the ark I came to a startling conclusion: if Noah was wrong and didn’t hear from God, the worst thing that could have happened is that he would have ended up with an arc in his backyard;...
Day Of Prayer For National Leaders
We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. This week we pray that: Our National Leaders will declare, “We will guard our ways, lest...
There are times in our lives in which courage must be added to our faith to give us the strength to take steps of obedience. Jarius was moved by the desperation of his dying daughter. He moved in faith and in courage, believing that Jesus was able to heal was not enough, he had to...