This Friday night, March 12th, is our next Community Worship Night. We will be meeting at the Knights of Columbus, located at 366 East Broad Street at 7:00 for a time of corporate worship. Please come out and bring a friend with you to enjoy God’s presence and hear His heart for us and our...
Author: City of Refuge
Seek God for the City: Day 22
Over the next 40 days City of Refuge Fellowship is joining with thousands of other believers around the world in a prayer focus called Seek God for the City. Seek God for the City is a prayer guide “designed to help everyday believers pray beyond their daily needs and further than their fears. ” We...
Seek God for the City: Day 21
Over the next 40 days City of Refuge Fellowship is joining with thousands of other believers around the world in a prayer focus called Seek God for the City. Seek God for the City is a prayer guide “designed to help everyday believers pray beyond their daily needs and further than their fears. ” We...
Day of Prayer for National Leaders
We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Father,You have set before our National Leaders life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore I pray...
Community Worship Night: Friday March 12th
This Friday night, March 12th, is our next Community Worship Night. We will be meeting at the Knights of Columbus, located at 366 East Broad Street at 7:00 for a time of corporate worship. Please come out and bring a friend with you to enjoy God’s presence and hear His heart for us and our...
Two Months Through the New Testament Reading Plan
Last week we finished our 30 days through the Gospels reading plan. There were so many benefits to reading through the Scriptures together that we have decided to continue through the rest of the New Testament. For the next two months: March 8th-May 8th we will read from Acts through Revelation together. The plan calls...
Seek God for the City: Day 20
Over the next 40 days City of Refuge Fellowship is joining with thousands of other believers around the world in a prayer focus called Seek God for the City. Seek God for the City is a prayer guide “designed to help everyday believers pray beyond their daily needs and further than their fears. ” We...
Risk and Reward: Joy
I believe that the Bible shows us very clearly that the Kingdom of God is filled with risk takers. For the next three weeks we are going to look at three things that give us the ability and willingness to take risks for the Kingdom of God by putting all of our trust in God...
Seek God for the City: Day 16
Over the next 40 days City of Refuge Fellowship is joining with thousands of other believers around the world in a prayer focus called Seek God for the City. Seek God for the City is a prayer guide “designed to help everyday believers pray beyond their daily needs and further than their fears. ” We...
Mercy Wins
The last sentence of our vision statement at City of Refuge Fellowship reads “Our vision is to take part in the triumph of mercy over judgment and to see the glory of the Lord as it rises upon our city.” That first line comes from James 2:13, “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” I love these few...