
Day of Prayer for National Leaders

We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Our National Leaders will be steadfast; firm in purpose, resolution, faith, unwavering, persistent, loyal supporters of...


Jesus: Following Through Rejection

Jesus faced more rejection than anyone that ever walked the earth before or since. He was rejected by the religious, by leaders, by friends and neighbors, by His brothers and even one of His apostles. In the midst of all of this rejection He was constantly at peace in the perfect confidence that He was loved by...


Kid’s Day 2010: Saturday, August 7th

We are less than two months from this year’s Kid’s Day event. It will be held on Saturday, August 7th from 10:00-2:00 at Mitchell Field in Burlington. We are hoping to expand on last years event and have some great things planned. If you would like to help out please contact Melissa at [email protected]. Our...


What are you chasing?

Sometimes in life we chase a specific goal or dream so hard that we forget why we ever started chasing. There are moments, maybe even seasons in which we are overcome by determination for a prize that we start to overlook the path that leads to the anticipated outcome. There is something wonderful about focused...


Day of Prayer for National Leaders

We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Our National Leaders will be God’s people and He will be their God; He will give...


Community Worship Night: Friday June 11th

This Friday night, June 11th is our next Community Worship Night. We will be meeting at the Knights of Columbus, located at 366 East Broad Street at 7:00 for a time of corporate worship. Please come out and bring a friend with you to enjoy God’s presence and hear His heart for us and our community.


Paul: Following Through Difficulty

There are times when life is difficult. I can’t think of anyone in Scripture that gives us a clearer example of not only the difficulty of life but also how to overcome that difficulty and follow Jesus fully. Paul tells us that he was shipwrecked three times, beaten with rods, stoned, beaten with lashes, put...


Day of Prayer for National Leaders

We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Our National Leaders will seek to please the LORD in all their ways and He will...


Peter: Following Through Failure

Scripture teaches us very plainly that we “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Viewing our stumbles, our weakness and our times of doubt as failure is a dangerous thing because it creates separation and isolation within us. During the Last Supper Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him three times...


Clothing Closet Recap

Thank you so much to everyone that helped with our first Clothing Closet Open House on May 15th. We had more clothes donated that we ever hoped and were just as blessed by the amount of volunteer help we received to sort, organize and prepare for the event. During the course of the Open House we...