Revelation 19:13 says Jesus’ “name is The Word of God.” I believe that the truest way to know Jesus, to be in right relationship with Him and to realize the fullness of His free gift of salvation to us, is to love the Word of God. This coming year we are going to offer more...
Author: City of Refuge
Life Changing Answers
I had one of the most wonderful conversations with my oldest son last night. It was after a basketball game, we were talking about the game, school, little brothers and some other things when we arrived at a topic that was highly charged and very emotional. My son’s best friend, who is much more than...
Hope Mobile Food Distribution Saturday, December 18th at Wilbur Watts Intermediate School
We are very excited to be able to be a sponsoring agency to bring a new program to Burlington from the Food Bank of South Jersey. The Hope Mobile is a 48 foot tractor trailer that brings emergency food to communities. The distribution contains fresh produce, pasta, rice and canned goods that can provide 3 meals...
2011 Plan: Increase in Prayer and Fasting
Due to a technical problem there is no audio of last week’s message. Below are the notes from that message, hopefully they will be helpful. 2011 Increase in Prayer and Fasting James 5:16 “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” As many of you are aware, last week I presented our plan for...
City of Refuge Fellowship 2011 Year to Increase
Today at CORF we presented a plan for 2011. Over the course of this year God has opened many doors of service for us, I believe that this next year is our opportunity to “add to” that service, both to God and to our community. The “Year to Increase” has five points of emphasis: 1....
Clothing Closet Open House Saturday, December 4th 10:00-2:00 PM
On Saturday, December 4th, from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM, we will be opening the Clothing Closet at our ministry building at 18 East Broad Street, Burlington. The clothing closet will provide free clothing for all ages to those in the community that are in need. All of the clothing available is gently used but still in good condition and...
Day of Prayer for National Leaders
We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Our National Leaders’ delight is in the fear of the LORD, and they shall not judge...
Jesus: Following Through Rejection, Leading to Salvation
The greatest rejection of Jesus’ life opened the door for us to receive His greatest gift, salvation. Over the last couple of weeks I have been struck by the events of the night of Jesus’ arrest. Luke 22 says that as Jesus and the apostles shared the passover meal together that Jesus took the cup, raised...
Day of Prayer for National Leaders
We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Our National Leaders delight is in the fear of the LORD, and they shall not judge...
Paul: Following Through Difficulty, Leading to Grace
Yesterday we participated in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. In the literature preparing for this day of prayer from Voice of the Martyrs, Todd Nettleton was quoted as saying “Our persecuted family is not asking us to pray that the persecution will stop. They’re asking us to pray that they will remain...