In our third week of discussing the Holy Spirit we set our attention on Galatians 5:22-23, “the fruit of the Holy Spirit”. Paul uses the word “fruit” here, I believe to show us that these attributes are not things that we work for or attain by our effort, but they are characteristics that the living...
Author: City of Refuge
Sexual Purity from a Biblical Perspective, Saturday, March 5th
Join us for a discussion on sexual purity. Most of the churches teaching on sexual purity consists of abstinence before marriage and then silence on the subject after, why is that? The Bible has much to say about sexual purity, not simply do and don’t or yes and no but important, useful relational teaching. Our...
Hope Mobile Food Distribution, Saturday, March 19th at Wilbur Watts Intermediate School
We are very excited to be able to be a sponsoring agency to bring a new program to Burlington from the Food Bank of South Jersey. The Hope Mobile is a 48 foot tractor trailer that brings emergency food to communities. The distribution contains fresh produce, pasta, rice and canned goods that can provide 3 meals...
The Power of the Holy Spirit
Our second in a series of four messages on the Holy Spirit, this week we discuss “the power of the Holy Spirit”. The reality of the Holy Spirit is that He lives within us, the Spirit of the Living God, the One that hovered over creation, that raised Jesus from the dead and indwelled the...
Becoming Unshakable
I have always been intrigued by Jesus’ illustration at the end of the Sermon on the Mount. As He brings the sermon to a close He tells the crowd that anyone who listens and obeys the things that He has taught will be like a man that built his house on a rock foundation, when...
Community Worship Night, Friday, February 11th
Friday night, February 11th, is our next Community Worship Night. We will be meeting at the Knights of Columbus, located at 366 East Broad Street at 7:00 for a time of corporate worship. Please come out and bring a friend with you to pour out our hearts in worship, love and thanksgiving for the extravagant, merciful goodness...
Sin’s Destruction
Over the last couple of weeks we have seen sin’s deception and it’s devastation. Sin begins with a lie of Satan and it’s ultimate outcome is death. Today I want to take our attention off of what sin tries to accomplish against us and place it on what Jesus has done for us and to...
A Study of the Book of Romans, Wednesday March 9th
Join us a we study the book of Romans throughout 2011. We will be meeting every other Wednesday night to study this important New Testament letter verse by verse. Our next class will be Wednesday, March 9th from 7:00 PM -8:15 PM at 18 East Broad Street, Burlington, NJ 08016. We meet on the 2nd floor, there is...
Marriage From a Biblical Perspective, Saturday February 5th
Join us for a discussion on marriage. What does the Bible teach us about being a spouse? How do we love and encourage one another? How do we set Spirit led priorities for our families? We hope to address these questions and others during this time together. This is the second of our new monthly...
Clothing Closet Open House, Saturday January 29th, 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon
On Saturday, December 4th, from 9:00 AM-12:00 NOON, we will be opening the Clothing Closet at our ministry building at 18 East Broad Street, Burlington. The clothing closet will provide free clothing for all ages to those in the community that are in need. All of the clothing available is gently used but still in good condition and...