
From what if? to what now?

We apologize, we have been experiencing some audio difficulties over the last few weeks and have not had sermons available. We are working to have this problem corrected. There are moments in life in which we have the opportunity to gaze forward and ask ourselves “what if?” in hopes that the future will hold the...


A Study of the Book of Romans, Wednesday, May 18th

Join us a we study the book of Romans throughout 2011. We will be meeting every other Wednesday night to study this important New Testament letter verse by verse. Our next class will cover Romans 4:1-12 and will meet on Wednesday, May 4h from 7:00 PM -8:15 PM at 18 East Broad Street, Burlington, NJ 08016. We meet...


The House of Prayer from a Biblical Perspective, Saturday, May 7th

We believe that God desires to establish a “House of Prayer” in Burlington. Over the years He has put this vision on our hearts and minds and we have, at times, talked about it, prayed about it and hoped for it, but what does it mean? We will look closely at the Tabernacle of David, as...


A Study of the Book of Romans, Wednesday, May 4th

Join us a we study the book of Romans throughout 2011. We will be meeting every other Wednesday night to study this important New Testament letter verse by verse. Our next class will cover Romans 3:21-31 and will be taught by Peter Milosky, Pastor of City of Refuge in Philadelphia. Our next class will be...


Clothing Closet Open House, Saturday, April 30th 9:00AM-12:00

On Saturday, April 30th, from 9:00 AM-12:00 NOON, we will be opening the Clothing Closet at our ministry building at 18 East Broad Street, Burlington. The clothing closet will provide free clothing for all ages to those in the community that are in need. All of the clothing available is gently used but still in good condition and...


A Week to Live: Gethsemane

After “The Last Supper”, Jesus and His disciples made their way to a garden named Gethsemane. The name “Gethsemane” actually means “an oil press”, which turns out to be fitting for what it is most known for. During the next minutes or hours Jesus, in prayer with His Father was pressed by the weight of...


Convenient Chaos

A few days ago, as I was preparing to leave home I realized that I had run out of my typical morning pick-me-up and decided that it was imperative that I stop and get myself Dr. Pepper so that the day didn’t spiral out of control. I dropped my boys off at school and then...


A Week to Live: The Cleansing of the Temple

After the Triumphal Entry Jesus entered the temple and for the second time during His ministry he found a scene that He simply could not allow to continue. Jesus entered the Court of the Gentiles and saw all of the business that was taking place and did what He always does, He worked to restore the original purpose of...