For the rest of 2012 we will be studying the book of Hebrews, verse by verse. Our next class will be Wednesday, May 2nd and we will be covering chapter 3, Jesus the Faithful Son. The class will meet every other Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:15 at the Kulynych’s home at 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. If...
Author: City of Refuge
A Vision of Redemption: Straight Paths
Matthew 3 quotes Isaiah 40 when it reveals that John the Baptist was the one that was called to be the “forerunner” of Jesus to call ahead telling the earth to “prepare the way of the LORD; make His paths straight.” Last week we saw John as the “friend of the bridegroom”, the one who stands and hears...
A Vision of Redemption: Friends of the Bridegroom
John the Baptist was chosen by God to be the one that would “prepare the way” for the Messiah. John was announced before conception; his purpose to “go before the face of the Lord” was declared when he was eight days old and his life was lived in preparation for and belief in that calling. In...
New Children’s Prayer Meeting, Monday, May 7th, 7:00 PM
We are beginning a new monthly children’s prayer meeting for ages 4-14. This prayer meeting will be held at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. on the first Monday night of each month from 7:00-8:00. This will be a time for our children to dig deep into God’s presence, to develop their own prayer relationship with God and...
Hebrews Bible Study: 2:10-18 “The Captain of our Salvation”
Our most recent study in the book of Hebrews covers 2:10-18. In this passage the author presents Jesus as the “captain” or “pioneer” of our salvation and shows His dual purpose as “bringing many sons to glory” and to “destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil.” Through Jesus’ suffering He completed His...
Book of Hebrews Study, Wednesday, April 18th, 7:00PM
For the rest of 2012 we will be studying the book of Hebrews, verse by verse. Our next class will be Wednesday, April 18th and we will be covering chapter 2:10-18, Jesus bringing many sons to glory. The class will meet every other Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:15 at the Kulynych’s home at 945...
Hope Mobile Food Distribution, Saturday, April 21st, 10:30 AM, Wilbur Watts Intermediate School
We are very excited to be able to be a sponsoring agency to bring a new program to Burlington from the Food Bank of South Jersey. The Hope Mobile is a 48 foot tractor trailer that brings emergency food to communities. The distribution contains meat, pasta, rice and canned goods that can provide 3 meals...
Night Watch Prayer, Friday, April 27th, 11:00 PM
There will be a Night Watch prayer gathering on Friday February 24th beginning at 11:00 PM and going until 6:00 AM Saturday the 25th. This gathering will be at Broad Street United Methodist Church downstairs chapel, 36 East Broad Street, Burlington, NJ 08016. The Night Watch is a time of worship-based prayer concentrating solely on ministering to...
A Vision of Redemption: Remove the Obstacles
Over the next few weeks we are going to be going through a series called “A Vision of Redemption”. This series is going to be a bit of a reminder of our vision as a church and the opportunities and callings that God has given us through intercession. Isaiah 57:14-15 “Remove the obstacles out of...
House of Prayer, Friday, April 13th, 7:00 PM
God has given us a vision for the planting of a House of Prayer in Burlington City, a place where worship and prayer would never cease and where God would be constantly glorified for His greatness, His beauty and His great love. The House of Prayer is not a place for needs to be poured...