Thank you for all of your help, support and prayers for Kid’s Day. This year we had such an incredible outpouring of volunteer help and the day turned out to be an incredible blessing. The forecast was for possible thunderstorms all day but God blessed us with a beautiful day without a drop of rain....
Author: City of Refuge
Philippians Series: Bridges of Joy: Resigned or Convinced?
In Philippians 1:12-18 Paul shares with the church at Philippi that his time in prison has been used by God for the expansion of the gospel. He has had the opportunity to share the truth with all of the palace guard, even those that are chained to him each day have come to see that his...
Hebrews Study 7:1-19, “High Priest According to the Order of Melchizedek”
Chapter 7 of the book of Hebrews harkins back to a point that the author was attempting to make in chapter 5. In 5:9-11 the author wrote “And having been perfected, He [Jesus] became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, called by God as High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek,...
Philippians Series: Bridges of Joy: Abounding in Knowledge and Discernment
This week we are beginning a 12 week study of the book of Philippians. This letter, written from jail, about joy and fellowship, blows up our worldly belief that our circumstances dictate our attiudes, opportunities and relationships. Paul teaches us that joy comes from God and is to be spread to men. We are bridges...
August Prayer Focus Now Online
Each week at City of Refuge Fellowship we are given a prayer focus with specific needs to uphold but also with very focused points of prayer, fasting and lifestyle. The most important and productive part of this tool is that with each focus we are given Scriptures to use in prayer and in meditation. These...
The Playground Project Video
We had a great first day of working on the playgrounds in Burlington City. We were able to do a thorough cleaning of one lot and a complete overhaul of another. This is a video that was made using pictures from the day and one of the worship songs that we sang in the morning. A...
Hebrews Study 6:7-20, “Better things through Christ”
The first two verses of this week’s study are a parable of sorts that illustrates what was taught in the first six verses of the chapter. This parable brings to a close what had been a healthy rebuke for immaturity and the sad truth that there are some that fall away. The author then shows us...
Book of Hebrews Study, Wednesday, July 25th, 7:00 PM
For the rest of 2012 we will be studying the book of Hebrews, verse by verse. Our next class will be Wednesday, July 25th and we will be covering chapter 6:7-20, “Better things through Christ”. The class will meet every other Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:15 at the Kulynych’s home at 945 Bordentown Rd....
Marriage, Children and Money
Mark 10 is an interesting chapter. It contains some very important teaching of Jesus on topics that seem to be unrelated, but when looking more closely, I believe that they all fit together. First, when questioned about the legality of divorce Jesus teaches on the purpose of marriage. He makes a startling statement when he...
The Playground Project, Sunday, July 29th, 10:00 AM
On Sunday, July 29th, at 10:00 am, we will be participating in a “Playground Project” at Kennedy Park, just off of Wood Street across from Wilbur Watts Intermediate School. We will be joining with Grace Alliance for a short worship service under the pavilion and then will be setting off to work on at least...